7 February 2013

Interview with Steve Austin, Inside Canberra, ABC 612 Brisbane

SUBJECT: First party room meetings of the year and Kevin Rudd's role in the upcoming federal election



Good morning Steve and good morning Steve.


And Steve Ciobo is the Federal Liberal Member for Moncrieff. Steve Ciobo, good morning to you.


Good morning.


Bernie, I'll have to start with you. I am very keen to know what your leader said to you in Caucus when Parliament re-gathered. We've heard that she's said 'stop white-anting me, stop leaking on the Government. You were there?


Actually, no I wasn't there. That's the funny bit about this. I had leave from Caucus because I was representing the Government at a function. Look, I've read the papers and a pep talk is not unusual. I don't believe that is accurate though in terms what's being reported. I have certainly talked to my Caucus colleagues and it's the normal talk that you would get at the start of any season just like any other team. Rally the troops and make sure that everyone is unified that we are all on the ticket that we are going forward. We've got a big job ahead of us this year.


So she never said don't leak against the Federal Government, don't white-ant my Government?


Well, I am not sure all of that is accurate. Certainly, don't leak is something I would say and I believe that is accurate. I don't think anyone should leak against the Government. I don't think anyone should leak anywhere. I would echo the cause of the Prime Minister. I would actually support her in that. I always say to my colleagues as I've maintained 'just don't leak'.


Are there forces within the Labor Caucus that are trying to undermine Julia Gillard at the moment?


Look, I don't believe so. I think from time to time people have different views. It's been widely reported and people do express their views. The time for that is past. We are now firmly in an election year, we've set an election date, we all need to be working very hard to make sure that in this competition of ideas and for Government that we have a fair chance, a good chance. The way you have good fair chance is to be a unified team and all work together. We have a great program and I am really proud of the things we do. So I want all of my colleagues – I'll work with them, I want them to work with me and the Prime Minister.


Bernie Ripoll is the Federal Labor Member for Oxley. Steve Ciobo is the Federal Liberal Member for Moncrieff. What did the leaders say in your Caucus meeting this year Steve Ciobo?


Well Tony's focus was on being a credible alternative frankly Steve. We want to make sure that we continue to roll out our positive plans to get Australia back on track. Everyone knows that the key part of our focus is on the hope, reward and opportunity we want to provide to all Australians. Frankly, our focus on being an alternative Government to the chaos and disarray we've seen in the Labor Party. But frankly the Academy Award goes to Bernie for suggesting that there's not people trying to rip apart the Labor Party. I mean, Julia Gillard is obviously very concerned about this. That's the reason why she's telling Caucus stop trying to damage me and stop leaking. We know that Steve because 20 minutes later that had been leaked to the press gallery that she said that. I am also pleased to hear the Bernie's changed his tune. It was only last year that Kevin Rudd was wrecking the Party and he said he thinks he's Mr Queensland but the reality is he's only ever seen in Queensland when there's a camera in his face. So now I'm delighted to hear less than 12 months later Bernie that you are now best mates with Kevin.


Bernie, did you say that?


I certainly did, but I wouldn't accept the rest of what Steve Ciobo said. I said the other bit but now he's just ad-libbing and just putting words in my mouth. That's his view, not my view.


This is the quote from the Courier Mail from last year.


The quote is accurate, no question of that. But everything you add after that is just your view and opinion.


So, is the Labor Party a big friendly family again or are you still at war? I thought you were at war. The Prime Minister thinks you are at war but you are saying you are not.


My response to that is quite simple. In our Party we are confident enough of our position including the Prime Minister's that we actually can change our front bench, whereas on the Liberal side Tony Abbott is so vulnerable that really good people like Steve Ciobo who should be on the front bench don't get a go because he is too afraid to change some of the key people sitting on his front bench. (inaudible)


This is 612 ABC Brisbane. It's 10 minutes past 9. Steve Austin is my name. We have a truncated Inside Canberra today because Bernie Ripoll is required in Cabinet at 9.15.


Don't blame it on me.


…for the Prime Minister's Closing the Gap Address to Parliament. Not blaming you for anything Bernie. Let me ask you a final question then. Should Kevin Rudd play more of a lead role in the lead to the Federal election? It's been broadly discussed across the nation's media at the moment. It's quite clear the public like him whether or not his own Party likes him. Bernie Ripoll, I'll start with you first of all.


Sure, well look, I think he should and I think there's a lot of people that agree. He's got a high profile, he's a former Prime Minister. I think all of us have a role to play and a big role and those who have a high profile should play a bigger role. He first priority ought to be own seat just like it is for all of us. All MP's have an obligation first in their seat and then if they can add value then they ought to do that. They ought to support the Party and support the Prime Minister and from what I've seen that is exactly what Kevin Rudd has been doing. For that I congratulate him. I think he has actually, this year and last year, demonstrated that he's put a lot of things behind him and he's working forward and working to make sure that we don't have a Tony Abbott Government come September 14.


So you think Bernie Ripoll that Kevin Rudd is now being more of a team player focusing on the team rather than himself?




Does it hurt for you to say that Bernie?


No, it doesn't at all. I am calling it as it is.


Ok, fair enough. Steve Ciobo.


Not only does Bernie get the Academy Award for the film. It is good to know that he has now got the sequel coming out as well. He's getting another Academy Award because he just turned around and said Kevin Rudd was a team player this year and last year. You know last year in the Financial Review Bernie said about Kevin Rudd and his supporters 'they are wrecking the Party and the brand' and I quote now 'they're burning down the show. If they are not happy little Vegemites they should go and do something else, we don't need them'. I am glad you've seen the light now Bernie. The reality is Steve, that despite the pretence that Bernie has got this morning, the Labor Party is all united and everything's just going along just smoothly. We have seen an absolute debacle from a divided Government. We've seen less than three days after the Prime Minister announced the election the need for a reshuffle. And Bernie says they are confident about the front bench composition of the Labor Party. Well, if that's the case why don't they be like the Coalition who has both Tony Abbott and sitting around the Cabinet table should we be elected will be Malcolm Turnbull making a positive contribution to policy whereas in the Labor Party you've got Julia Gillard stubbornly refusing to embrace Kevin Rudd and in fact wants him as far away as possible as did Bernie only last year despite the fact that this morning he's pretending that they're best mates.


If I get the Academy Award, you'd get the Golden Logie. Thanks Steve.


They're embracing him now. You're heading off to the Closing the Gap Speech. What's the Prime Minister going to say this morning Bernie Ripoll?


Well, I don't know. That's why I am going down now to go and listen to her with the rest of Parliament.


Alright, I'll let you go, thanks gentlemen.


Thanks very much, thank you.