25 September 2013

Privacy of home-based businesses protected

The privacy of home-based businesses using the National Business Names Register will now be protected by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Under changes insisted by the Coalition while in Opposition ASIC will now give home-based businesses the option to have their privacy protected by allowing them to register a postal address rather than a physical address.

The change will also assist rural and remote businesses where mail often can't be delivered to the premise.

Protecting the privacy of home-based businesses comes after the former Labor Government took its eye off the ball by inappropriately forcing them into detailing their physical address.

Unfortunately because of Labor's previous mismanagement and lack of understanding of small business, most home-based businesses that have already registered their business name, will have to get in contact with ASIC to make any changes needed to protect their privacy.

To change your address for service to a postal address, like a PO BOX, businesses must complete the 'change of business address' transaction online using 'ASIC Connect'.

Step-by-step user guides are available from the Business Names section of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission website.