1 July 2013

Appointment of a full-time Second Commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office

Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury today announced the appointment of Mr Neil Olesen as a full-time Second Commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for a seven-year period from 1 July 2013.

Mr Olesen has been acting as a Second Commissioner of Taxation since October 2012. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the taxation field. He has worked for 30 years in tax and superannuation administration and has held senior positions across a range of different areas in the ATO, including designing and implementing new tax laws, helping to ensure compliance with existing laws, and leading major change initiatives like the recent super reforms.

The ATO is the Government's principal revenue collection agency. The role of the ATO is to manage and shape tax, excise and superannuation systems that fund services for Australians. The ATO is responsible for the administration of a wide range of taxation and superannuation legislation.

The Government congratulates Mr Olesen on his appointment to the ATO.