2 August 2013

Appointment of a part-time councillor of the National Competition Council

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Linda Evans as a part-time Councillor of the National Competition Council (NCC) for a three year period. Ms Evans is a Partner at Clayton Utz with extensive experience in competition law, including access related matters.

The NCC is an advisory body which was established in 1995 by agreement of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).

The NCC's main function is to make recommendations under the National Access Regime in Part IIIA of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and recommendations and decisions under the National Gas Law. The NCC is based in Melbourne and has around 10 staff members, a part-time Council President and currently has three part-time Councillors.

This appointment continues the high level of skills and experience available to the NCC, ensuring that the NCC has appropriately qualified members to deal with the differing issues which are raised in applications.