5 March 2013

Parramatta families face savage cuts under Coalition

Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey should this morning front up to the families and small businesses of Parramatta about the assistance he would rip away if elected.

Under the Coalition, Parramatta families stand to be $2300 a year worse off.

A Parramatta family earning the median family income of $122,000, with three kids – aged 7, 11 and 15 – where Dad earns $70,000 and Mum earns $52,000 will be $2300 a year worse off under a Liberal Government.

Dad will pay $253 a year more tax, and Mum will pay $303 a year more tax.

They will lose $1640 in Schoolkids Bonus and $280 in household assistance payments.

The Coalition are also proposing to jack up taxes on superannuation for 26,400 low income earners and cutting payments for 22,900 pensioners.

Up to 19,800 small businesses in Parramatta will also be worse off under the Coalition because they would lose access to the $6,500 instant asset tax write-off.

Joe Hockey should tell the people of Parramatta what his real plan for Western Sydney is – to rip away assistance for families and small businesses.