16 March 2000

Hockey Slams Queensland ALP on Opposition to GST Rip-Off Law

The Minister for Financial Services & Regulation, Joe Hockey, today slammed the Queensland ALP Government for its failure to support initiatives to protect Queensland consumers from being ripped off during the introduction of the New Tax System.

The Minister said new legislation - A New Tax System (Trade Practices Amendment) Bill 2000 - will amend the Trade Practices Act 1974 by prohibiting misrepresentations about the New Tax System changes.

This legislation is based on a referral of power from the State Governments of Australia.

All States - except the Queensland Labor Government - have agreed to be part of this national consumer protection scheme.

"If the Beattie Labor Government is not going to adopt tough new consumer protection initiatives, just like the rest of Australia, then I ask Peter Beattie: what resources are you going to put into consumer protection during the upcoming tax changes?

"The Federal Government is spending at least $30m on consumer protection - how much is Mr Beattie spending?

"I have also seen reports that the Labor Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Jim Soorely, thinks that transport prices in Brisbane will skyrocket because of the GST.

"I am concerned Mr Soorley may not have taken into account the cost savings of the New Tax System, and as such, I have referred Mr Soorley's claims to the ACCC for investigation."