7 June 2000

Review of Product Safety System

The Minister for Financial Services & Regulation, Joe Hockey, today released a discussion paper aimed at enhancing Australia's product safety system.

"As Minister responsible for product safety, I want to ensure that Australia’s system of product safety ranks among the best in the world," the Minister said. "For this reason, I requested the Treasury to review our regime and find ways our product safety system can be further enhanced.

"Australia's product safety laws provide an effective legislative framework for dealing with hazardous products. This discussion paper contains proposals which might enhance our current system."

The paper reviews product safety regulation and administration in Australia and overseas, identifies strengths and weaknesses in the Australian system and explores options for improvement.

"Australia's product safety system is working effectively. However, the systems in the European Union, the United States and New Zealand have features, such as stronger incentives to comply with product safety standards, which could be introduced here."

Key proposals are:

  • standards making
  • early reporting requirements
  • general provision of safety
  • Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to have compulsory recall powers.
  • delegation of compulsory recall powers to other specific Ministers.

The Department welcomes comments and the paper is available at www.treasury.gov.au