20 July 2015

Appointment of a part-time member of the Foreign Investment Review Board

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Alice Williams as a part-time member of the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) for a five year period.

Ms Williams has over 25 years of senior management and Board level experience in corporate and Government sectors and investment banking, specialising in strategy and policy development, corporate advisory and funds management, competition policy and regulation. She has been a consultant to domestic and international airlines and regulatory bodies, is a former member of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, a former director of State Trustees Ltd and a former Commissioner of the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission. Her current directorships include Cooper Energy Ltd, Equity Trustees Ltd, Djerrriwarrh Investments Ltd, Defence Health, Guild Group, Barristers Chambers Limited, Port of Melbourne Corporation.

Ms Williams replaces Ms Anna Buduls who has served on the FIRB for 5 years. I take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the valuable contribution Ms Buduls has made to the FIRB over that period.

The Foreign Investment Review Board is a non-statutory body established in 1976 to advise the Treasurer on the Government's foreign investment policy and its administration. The Board's functions are advisory only. Responsibility for the policy and for decision making on foreign investment proposals rests with the Treasurer of the day. The Foreign Investment and Trade Policy Division within the Treasury also advises the Treasurer on foreign investment matters and provides Secretariat support to the Board.