The government has called an election and is now in caretaker

Since this website is hosted by the Treasury, information from Portfolio Ministers might not be available here. You can find it on the ministers' party website. These party sites are not funded by the Commonwealth of Australia.


The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP

The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP


– Current

The Hon Julie Collins MP

The Hon Julie Collins MP

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Minister for Small Business

– Current

The Hon Clare O'Neil MP

The Hon Clare O’Neil MP

Minister for Housing, Minister for Homelessness

– Current

The Hon Stephen Jones MP

The Hon Stephen Jones MP

Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services

– Current

The Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP

The Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP

Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, Assistant Minister for Employment

– Current

Previous Ministers

The Hon Julie Collins MP

The Hon Julie Collins MP

Minister for Housing, Minister for Homelessness, Minister for Small Business

The Hon Stuart Robert MP

The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business

Senator the Hon Jane Hume

Senator the Hon Jane Hume

Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and the Digital Economy, Minister for Women's Economic Security

The Hon Michael Sukkar MP

The Hon Michael Sukkar MP

Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Housing and Minister for Homelessness, Social and Community Housing

The Hon Alan Tudge MP

The Hon Alan Tudge MP

Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure

Senator The Hon Jane Hume

Senator The Hon Jane Hume

Assistant Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and Financial Technology

Senator the Hon Zed Seselja

Senator the Hon Zed Seselja

Assistant Minister for Finance, Charities and Electoral Matters

Senator the Hon Zed Seselja

Senator the Hon Zed Seselja

Assistant Minister for Treasury and Finance

The Hon Stuart Robert MP

The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Assistant Treasurer

The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP

The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP


The Hon Michael Sukkar

The Hon Michael Sukkar

Assistant Minister to the Treasurer

The Hon Kelly O'Dwyer

The Hon Kelly O'Dwyer

Minister for Revenue & Financial Services

The Hon Michael McCormack MP

The Hon Michael McCormack MP

Minister for Small Business

The Hon Scott Morrison

The Hon Scott Morrison


The Hon Kelly O'Dwyer

The Hon Kelly O'Dwyer

Minister for Small Business & Assistant Treasurer

The Hon Alex Hawke

The Hon Alex Hawke

Assistant Minister to the Treasurer

The Hon Kelly O'Dwyer

The Hon Kelly O'Dwyer

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer

The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP

The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP

Assistant Treasurer

Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann

Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann

Acting Assistant Treasurer

The Hon Joe Hockey

The Hon Joe Hockey MP


The Hon Bruce Billson MP

The Hon Bruce Billson MP

Minister for Small Business & Assistant Treasurer

The Hon Steven Ciobo MP

The Hon Steven Ciobo MP

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer

Senator The Hon Arthur Sinodinos

Senator The Hon Arthur Sinodinos

Assistant Treasurer

Chris Bowen

The Hon Chris Bowen MP


Julie Collins

The Hon Julie Collins MP

Minister for Housing and Homelessness

Doug Cameron

Senator the Hon Doug Cameron

Parliamentary Secretary for Housing and Homelessness

Mark Butler

The Hon Mark Butler MP

Minister for Housing and Homelessness

Bernie Ripoll

The Hon Bernie Ripoll MP

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer

David Bradbury

The Hon David Bradbury MP

Assistant Treasurer, Minister Assisting for Financial Services & Superannuation and Minister for Competition Policy & Consumer Affairs

Brendan O'Connor

The Hon Brendan O'Connor MP

Minister for Housing

Mark Arbib

Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Assistant Treasurer

Robert McClelland

The Hon Robert McClelland MP

Minister for Housing

Bill Shorten

The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Minister for Financial Services & Superannuation

David Bradbury

The Hon David Bradbury MP

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer

Tony Burke

The Hon Tony Burke MP

Minister for Population

Nick Sherry

The Senator the Hon Nick Sherry

Assistant Treasurer

Chris Bowen

The Hon Chris Bowen MP

Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law

Craig Emerson

The Hon Dr Craig Emerson MP

Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs

Wayne Swan

The Hon Wayne Swan MP

Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer

Chris Bowen

The Hon Chris Bowen MP

Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs

Nick Sherry

The Senator the Hon Nick Sherry

Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law

Peter Dutton

The Hon Peter Dutton MP

Minister for Revenue and the Assistant Treasurer

Chris Pearce

The Hon Chris Pearce MP

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer

Mal Brough

The Hon Mal Brough MP

Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer

Ross Cameron

The Hon Ross Cameron MP

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer

Ian Campbell

Senator Ian Campbell

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer

Helen Coonan

Senator the Hon Helen Coonan

Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer

Joe Hockey

The Hon Joe Hockey MP

The Minister for Financial Services and Regulation

Rod Kemp

Senator Rod Kemp

Assistant Treasurer

Peter Costello

The Hon Peter Costello MP


Ralph Willis

Ralph Willis


John Dawkins, AO

John Dawkins, AO


Ralph Willis

Ralph Willis


John Kerin

John Kerin


Robert Hawke, AC

Robert Hawke, AC


Paul Keating

Paul Keating


John Howard

John Howard


Sir Phillip Lynch, KCMG

Sir Phillip Lynch, KCMG


William Hayden, AC

William Hayden, AC


James Cairns

James Cairns


Francis Crean

Francis Crean


Edward Whitlam, AC

Edward Whitlam, AC


Sir Billy Sneddon, KCMG

Sir Billy Sneddon, KCMG


Leslie Bury, CMG

Leslie Bury, CMG


Sir William McMahon, GCMG, CH

Sir William McMahon, GCMG, CH


Harold Holt, CH

Harold Holt, CH


Sir Arthur Fadden, GCMG, KCMG

Sir Arthur Fadden, GCMG, KCMG


Joseph Chifley

Joseph Chifley


Sir Arthur Fadden, GCMG, KCMG

Sir Arthur Fadden, GCMG, KCMG


Sir Percy Spender, KCVO, KBE, KStJ

Sir Percy Spender, KCVO, KBE, KStJ


Sir Robert Menzies, KT, AK, CH

Sir Robert Menzies, KT, AK, CH


(Lord) Richard Casey, KG, GCMG, CH DSO, MC, KStJ

(Lord) Richard Casey, KG, GCMG, CH DSO, MC, KStJ


Joseph Lyons

Joseph Lyons


Edward Theodore

Edward Theodore


James Scullin

James Scullin


Edward Theodore

Edward Theodore


Sir Earle Page, GCMG, CH

Sir Earle Page, GCMG, CH


(Viscount) Stanley Bruce, CH, MC

(Viscount) Stanley Bruce, CH, MC


Sir Joseph Cook, GCMG

Sir Joseph Cook, GCMG


William Watt

William Watt


Sir (Baron) John Forrest, GCMG, KCMG, CMG

Sir (Baron) John Forrest, GCMG, KCMG, CMG


Alexander Poynton, OBE

Alexander Poynton, OBE


William Higgs

William Higgs


Andrew Fisher

Andrew Fisher


Sir (Baron) John Forrest, GCMG, KCMG, CMG

Sir (Baron) John Forrest, GCMG, KCMG, CMG


Andrew Fisher

Andrew Fisher


Sir (Baron) John Forrest, GCMG, KCMG, CMG

Sir (Baron) John Forrest, GCMG, KCMG, CMG


Andrew Fisher

Andrew Fisher


Sir William Lyne, KCMG

Sir William Lyne, KCMG


Sir (Baron) John Forrest, GCMG, KCMG, CMG

Sir (Baron) John Forrest, GCMG, KCMG, CMG


Sir George Turner, KCMG

Sir George Turner, KCMG


Sir George Turner, KCMG

Sir George Turner, KCMG


John Watson

John Watson
