5 April 2005

Statistics tell the story - opening of the 55th session of the International Statistical Institute

“Statisticians give us the tools to take a hard look at ourselves, to see where we stand, how we arrived there, and to make informed decisions about how to proceed into the future”, said Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, The Hon. Chris Pearce MP, at the opening of the 55th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) today.

“This is the second time Australia has hosted the ISI Session, which was last held here in 1967. I think it’s fair to say that in the intervening 38 years there have been many important changes in Australian society and in Australia’s economy and infrastructure. Indeed we can prove it — thanks to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

“It is especially fitting that Australia is hosting this 2005 ISI Session, because this year we celebrate the Centenary of the ABS.

“There may also be a degree of irony in that Statisticians are amongst the unsung heroes of a nation known for its love of sport. Indeed, statistics support this (more than 62 per cent of Australian adults participate as a player in one or more sports or physical activities, at least once a year). I’m sure that televised games of cricket or football would seem lacking should the essential stats not be in ready supply for the commentators!” commented Mr Pearce.

National Statistical Offices can provide a vital resource to their governments and their communities but only if the statistics are treated seriously.

5 April 2005
Contact: Gillian Harvey 03 9887 3890 or 0411 567 060