27 June 2013

Appointment and reappointment of a Deputy President and members of the Australian Competition Tribunal

I am pleased to announce the following appointment and reappointments to the Australian Competition Tribunal (the Tribunal):

  • appointment of the Hon Justice Kathleen Farrell as a part-time Deputy President of the Tribunal for a five year period beginning on 21 August 2013;
  • reappointment of Mr Robin Davey, Mr Grant Latta AM and Professor David Round each as a part-time member of the Tribunal for a five-year period beginning on 17 July 2013; and
  • reappointment of Mr Ray Steinwall as a part-time member of the Tribunal for a five-year period beginning on 12 December 2013.

Justice Farrell was previously President of the Takeovers Panel and will bring to the Tribunal her extensive skills as a legal practitioner and her experience in the private sector.

Mr Davey was the first Regulator-General of Victoria and has also been the Chairperson of the Australian Telecommunications Authority. He will continue to contribute to the Tribunal through his experience in law and public administration.

Mr Latta has had a broad career as director of various companies, including Ricegrowers Ltd and Biota Holdings Ltd. He brings the perspective of an experienced businessman to his work at the Tribunal.

Professor Round is currently Professor of Economics and Director, Centre for Regulation and Market Analysis at the University of South Australia. His economic expertise is an asset to the Tribunal.

Mr Steinwall's reappointment as a part-time Tribunal member for a further five year period recognises his experience in commerce and law, including though his previous appointment as General Counsel at the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales.

The Tribunal is an independent statutory tribunal that hears applications for authorisation of company mergers and acquisitions which would otherwise be prohibited under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA). The Tribunal also considers appeals on certain Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) decisions, including decisions to grant or refuse merger clearances, reviews of decisions under the national access regime of the CCA, and other authorisation decisions made by the ACCC.

With these appointments, the Tribunal will continue to consist of a part-time President, three part-time Deputy Presidents and nine part time members.