30 May 2013

Coalition coughs up plan for austerity

Outspoken Liberal MP Dennis Jensen has today revealed the Coalition's plans for jobs-destroying austerity.

Mr Jensen today told ABC television:

Clearly there are austerity measures that are going to have to be put in place.

[ABC 24 – 30 MAY 2013]

Mr Jensen has let the cat out of the bag for Tony Abbott's real agenda: cutting services and support for families to the bone.

We already know that Mr Abbott is promising a 'once-in-a-generation' Commission of Cuts and we know that he has a hit list of measures that includes ripping away funding for the National Plan for School Improvement and new cancer centres.

Mr Abbott has a plan to lead us down the European path of extreme austerity, which even European leaders now concede costs jobs and growth.

In a way, fiscal austerity is a bit like medicine… If you take too much, its side effects can be very severe.

[Christine Lagarde, IMF – 16 APRIL 2013]

There are those who would want to cut much more than we are planning to… that would be a mistake.

[George Osborne, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer – 20 MARCH 2013]

The Government supports responsible savings so that we can invest in the future of our country and support jobs and growth.

Mr Abbott and the Coalition want to plunge Australia into the depths of European-style extreme austerity that will hurt our economy and cost people their jobs.

The contrast with Labor could not be greater – we will always put Australian jobs and growth first.