5 March 2012

Interview, Channel Nine Afternoon News


SUBJECTS: Swearing in of new Ministry, mining magnate newspaper ad campaign


Joining us now is David Bradbury, the new Assistant Treasurer. David, good afternoon to you.


Good afternoon Amelia, how are you?


I'm very well thank you. Today was the second Ministerial reshuffle in just four months, will this be the team to lead Labor to the next election?


Look, I think so, certainly we won't be undertaking any reshuffles that are not necessary or warranted but I think the team that we have and the team that the Prime Minister has appointed is a strong one and certainly provides the platform for us to tackle the challenges that we as a country need to tackle but also to make sure that we have the best team out there on the park in the lead up to the next election.


We heard a few moments ago some of Wayne Swan's words at the Press Club a bit earlier today. Now you were there; he was speaking about the inequality between the rich and the poor in Australia. What do you think is at the heart of his argument there?


I think it's important to recognise that Wayne Swan was not having a shot at anyone that is successful. The point he was making was that there's a very small number of billionaires and, in particular many of them represented in the mining sector, who have sought to use their wealth in a way to influence public debate so as to advance their own personal and commercial interests rather than the national interest. The point he was making was Governments have to stand up for the broader community and the national interest and sometimes that means taking on these people who have a vested interest and will spend a lot of money in order to try and protect it.


Alright David Bradbury, we'll have to leave it there, thank you for your time this afternoon and all the best in your new role.