6 September 2002

Appointment of Second Commissioners of Taxation

Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer Senator Helen Coonan today announced that the Governor-General has appointed Ms Jennifer Granger and Mr Gregory Farr to fill the two vacant Second Commissioner of Taxation positions.

There are three Second Commissioners of Taxation. The two vacancies follow the retirement this year of Mr Bruce Jones and Dr Alan Preston.

"Both Ms Granger and Mr Farr have extensive experience in tax administration," Senator Coonan said.

"Prior to her appointment, Ms Granger was Deputy Commissioner of Personal Tax with responsibility for administering the Personal Tax System including implementing such significant measures as last year's Senior Australians budget measure and the Baby Bonus.

"During her career in the Tax Office Ms Granger has had diverse responsibilities across income tax, superannuation, the Child Support Agency and operational areas.

"Mr Farr has similarly held a wide range of senior positions in the Tax Office.

"These have included responsibility for the Tax Office's operations in Townsville, Brisbane and Upper Mt Gravatt.

"More recently Mr Farr has been responsible for the Tax Office's Information Technology applications and a large part of its production capability involving the processing of millions of forms and remittances received by the Tax Office annually."

The appointments are for a statutory period of seven years.