27 May 2003

Government Committed to Surcharge Reduction

"The Federal Government's revitalised superannuation package in no way diminishes the prospects of the Senate passing the surcharge reduction," the Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer, Senator Helen Coonan, said today.

A print media claim (AFR, 27.5.03) to the contrary is not correct.

"As announced in my media release of 25 May, the Government will reintroduce legislation to deliver on both the surcharge reduction and co-contribution policies," Senator Coonan said.

"The Government remains equally determined to secure the passage through the Senate of both these important initiatives to encourage Australians to save for their retirement," she said.

"The surcharge reduction measure is a modest reduction in the extra charge that affected Australians pay on their superannuation. It is appropriate that this burden be reduced to enable those who are able to save for their retirement to do so."

"The Government is committed to getting the surcharge reduction passed. The legislation is designed to succeed and not be yet another trigger for a double dissolution," Senator Coonan said.

The Labor Party and Opposition spokesman, Senator Sherry, need to get on with passing the surcharge reduction legislation and should not get carried away by media reports that are wide of the mark.