The Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources, Ian Macfarlane, and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, today announced that the Productivity Commission will undertake an evaluation of the Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Program (PIIP).
The Commission will report on whether the $300 million program, which commenced on 1 July 1999, is meeting its objectives effectively and efficiently. It will also explore whether intervention in the industry continues to be justified and, if so, which policy or program options should be pursued beyond June 2004, when the current arrangement expires.
"Maintaining a viable, sustainable and internationally competitive Australian pharmaceuticals industry is a Government priority."
"This evaluation is an important opportunity to measure the working order of a significant industry program. I look forward to the Productivity Commission's analysis and welcome views on how well the program has worked and how it, or an equivalent program, could be improved," said Mr Macfarlane.
Senator Campbell said the Government was committed to ensuring that Government programs maximised returns for Australia.
"The Productivity Commission study will provide us with valuable insights into how appropriate, effective and efficient the PIIP has been," he said
The Commission will consult with interested stakeholders, including those involved in the Pharmaceuticals Industry Action Agenda. A final report will be presented in early 2003.
People who want to register their interest in the evaluation or obtain a copy of the terms of reference will find details on the Productivity Commission website at: or by applying directly to the Commission on (02) 6240 3239.
Further Information:
Wayne Grant, Senator Campbell's office, (08) 9421 1755 or 0407 845 280
Kirsty Boazman, Mr Macfarlane's Office, 0412 171 444