26 July 2002

Productivity Commission Study to Benchmark Insurers' Claims Management Practices

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, today announced the details of a Productivity Commission research study that will examine Australian insurers' claims management practices in public liability insurance and benchmark them against world's best practice.

The study is part of a package of initiatives agreed by Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers at the ministerial meeting on public liability chaired by the Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer, Senator Helen Coonan, on 30 May this year to address the availability and affordability of public liability insurance.

Senator Campbell said the Commission will consult with the insurance industry and other interested parties and provide a report by 31 December 2002.

A copy of the terms of reference and further information about the study can be obtained from the Productivity Commission's website at www.pc.gov.au.

26 July 2002

Further information: Wayne Grant (08) 9421 1755 or 0407 845 280