Media releases


Next step towards merger reform for a more competitive economy

The Albanese Government has released draft legislation to reform Australia’s merger rules and boost competition and productivity in our economy.

Strengthening foreign resident capital gains tax rules

The Albanese Labor Government is making sure foreign residents pay their fair share of tax, advancing important new measures to improve the integrity of the foreign resident capital gains tax rules

Albanese Government backs Pacific banking for stability and prosperity in our region

The Albanese Government is making further investments to help prevent the loss of banking services in the Pacific.

New legislation to ensure multinationals pay a fairer share

The Albanese Government has introduced legislation to deliver on our election commitment to improve tax transparency and integrity.

A Future Made in Australia Bill will build a stronger, cleaner, economy

Today the Government will introduce the new Future Made in Australia Bill 2024 and Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No.

ANZ proposal to acquire Suncorp Bank

Today I’m announcing that ANZ Group Holdings Ltd’s (ANZ) proposal to acquire full ownership of Suncorp Bank (Suncorp) from Suncorp Group can proceed subject to enforceable conditions.

Production tax incentive consultation begins

Consultation has begun on the implementation details of the government’s $13.7 billion in production tax incentives announced in the Budget.

Measuring what matters to deliver better outcomes

The Albanese Government is strengthening Australia’s first national wellbeing framework to support policy development and better align our economic and social goals in communities right across the

Cost‑of‑living relief from persistent inflation

Despite edging down on a month‑to‑month basis, the ABS’s monthly CPI indicator was 4.0 per cent in the year to May.

Strengthening the Food and Grocery Code to get a fair go for families and farmers

The Albanese Government will strengthen the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct, accepting all recommendations of a recent independent review into the Code as part of a wide‑ranging cost‑of‑living cra

Productivity Commission appointments

The Albanese Government has appointed Mr Selwyn Button, Dr Alison Roberts and Mr Barry Sterland PSM as full‑time Commissioners to the Productivity Commission (PC) for five‑year terms.

A Sustainable Finance Roadmap to unlock more private capital

The Albanese Government is releasing its Sustainable Finance Roadmap, which will help investors, companies and the broader community make the most of the global net zero transformation.

Reserve Bank interest rate decision

Today’s decision by the independent Reserve Bank means by the time the Board next meets, it will be approaching nine months since the last interest rate hike.

Helping Australians get a better deal on banking products

The Albanese Labor Government is implementing a raft of measures to help Australians get better rates on their mortgages and savings accounts.

March National Accounts

Today’s National Accounts confirm growth in the Australian economy was flat in the first three months of the year.

Building more homes for renters

The Albanese Labor Government is working to boost the construction of rental housing as part of our comprehensive $32 billion Homes for Australia plan.

Australia issues inaugural $7 billion green bond

The Government has issued $7 billion of its inaugural green bond, in a major milestone for Australia’s sustainable finance market.

Pay rise for low-paid workers and women

The Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review decision is a win for workers, a win for women and it will help with the cost of living.

Council on Federal Financial Relations Statement

The Council on Federal Financial Relations continues to discuss the implications of the recent High Court decision in Vanderstock & Anor v State of Victoria.

More funding for Launceston Medicare Urgent Care Clinic

The Albanese Government is delivering more funding to the Launceston Medicare Urgent Care Clinic to provide bulk billed healthcare service to more Tasmanians, off the back of a big focus on the cos