20 September 2000

# 2. What is Making Australia a Global Financial Centre?


Outstanding e-commerce infrastructure

  • Australia has the highest level of access to telephone lines in the Asia region with 610 main lines per 1,000 persons in 1999.

Taiwan had 570 main lines per 1,000 persons and Hong Kong had 560 main lines per 1,000 persons.

  • Australia has a high level of computer power (instructions per second) per capita. Australia was first in the Asia region generating 75 billion instructions per second per 1,000 people in 1999 (comparable to 60 billion in Singapore).
  • Sydney has lower telecommunication line lease charges than Tokyo and Hong Kong

Telecommunication Line Lease Charges
1998 ($A)

From to USA UK Germany Japan

Sydney 6,200 6,990 6,990 6,200

Tokyo 7,817 10,151 10,151 na

Hong Kong 7,959 7,959 7,959 6,366

Invest Australia, A Wealth of Opportunities 1999.
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2000.
The New South Wales Competitiveness Report 1998-99.
(Telstra Australia).