15 September 2000

Business Must Sell Australia During Olympics

The Australian business community must not waste the opportunity to promote Australia as a global financial centre during the Sydney 2000 Games, the Minister for Financial Services & Regulation, Joe Hockey, said today.

"Australia is the focus of the world. We are now host to thousands of international visitors, many of them senior financial and IT&T executives.

"I call on our local business community to sell the message of Australia as a financial centre over the next two weeks of the Olympics and beyond.

"We cannot let this one-off opportunity pass without maximising the long-term benefits to Australia.

"The Olympics is more than just a great sporting event. The Olympics will continue to put Australia on the world financial map."

Minister Hockey, as Australia's financial services ambassador, will be working with NSW Treasurer Michael Egan to promote Australia as a centre for global financial services over the time of the Sydney Games.

"This initiative does not stop when the Olympics stop. Business must keep carrying the torch and keep on promoting Australia."

As part of this consolidation, Minister Hockey will travel to Europe after the Games to build on international media coverage generated during the Sydney Olympics.

During the Games, the Minister will put out regular fact sheets which aim to help international reporters better understand the Australian economy.