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5 April 2022

Appointment of Deputy Chair and Member to the Australian Energy Regulator

The Morrison Government has reappointed Mr James Cox PSM as the Deputy Chair and full‑time State/Territory Member of the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for a two year period.

The AER is responsible for regulating energy networks, retailers and wholesale markets. It also protects the interests of household and small business consumers by enforcing the National Energy Retail Law.

Mr Cox was first appointed as an AER State/Territory Member in 2013 and as the Deputy Chair in 2020. Prior to being appointed to the AER Board, Mr Cox was a member of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal from January 1996 to September 2013. He has also held positions with the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, among others. In 2011, Mr Cox received the Public Service Medal for his outstanding public service to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.

Mr Cox’s reappointment will provide continuity and ensure the energy sector is effectively regulated and operating in the long-term interests of Australian consumers.

Maintaining a strong and effective energy regulator is part of the Morrison Government’s plan to secure Australia’s future, ensuring the National Electricity Market is operating in the best interests of Australian consumers and businesses.