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28 March 2022

Federal Budget boost for Queensland infrastructure


Joint media release with

The Hon. Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister

The Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development

The Hon. Paul Fletcher MP
Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts

Queensland continues to benefit from the Morrison‑Joyce Government’s record infrastructure investment, with over $3.9 billion committed to the state’s infrastructure pipeline in this week’s Federal Budget.

As part of our plan for a stronger future, our Government is continuing to invest in projects that create jobs, keep commuters and freight safe and moving, and drive economic growth.

With investments in new and existing infrastructure projects in every state and territory, the Government’s national rolling 10‑year infrastructure investment pipeline will increase from $110 billion to over $120 billion, a new record.

Key new projects funded in Queensland in the 2022–23 Budget include:

  • $1.6 billion for the Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast (Beerwah‑Maroochydore) rail extension
  • $1.121 billion for the Brisbane to the Gold Coast (Kuraby – Beenleigh) Faster Rail Upgrade
  • $150 million for the Brisbane Metro – Woolloongabba Station
  • $396 million for the South East Queensland City Deal
  • $27.2 million for three business cases for upgrades on the Bruce Highway between Anzac Avenue and Caboolture Bribie Island Road
  • $22.5 million for Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games 2032 business case development
  • $20 million for safety upgrades on the Brisbane Valley Highway.

The Budget also includes additional funding for existing projects and Roads of Strategic Importance corridors, including:

  • $68.5 million for the Cooktown to Weipa Corridor Upgrade bringing the total Australian Government funding to the corridor to $258.5 million
  • $11.5 million for the Tennant Creek to Townsville Corridor Upgrade bringing the total Australian Government funding to the corridor to $211.5 million

This brings the Coalition’s total infrastructure investment in Queensland since 2013 to more than $35.9 billion across 349 road and rail infrastructure projects, with 155 projects having been completed in the period.

Australian Government‑funded transport infrastructure projects currently under construction in Queensland will support around 20,500 jobs over the life of the projects.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Government’s record infrastructure investment was keeping Australians moving and supporting thousands of local jobs across the country.

“A strong economy means a stronger future,” the Prime Minister said.

“Continuing to provide record future funding for road and rail projects is a key part of our economic plan for the long term to keep our economy strong.

“By investing in these projects we are delivering the infrastructure that the Australian economy needs to grow, to get Australians home sooner and safer, and generate thousands of jobs and new opportunities for small businesses right across the State.

“Australia’s future success relies on a strong economy. Our strong economic recovery is being driven by our record funding for major road projects right across the country.

“Our investment in these infrastructure projects will support more than 11,000 direct and indirect jobs in Queensland over the construction life of these projects, providing certainty and security for businesses and communities across the State.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the Government is building the infrastructure that will make our nation and economy stronger.

“We are investing in projects that will drive the growth of industries that generate the wealth our nation needs to become as strong as possible as quickly as possible,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“Getting more commodities to ports and sending them overseas will generate more export income, making our nation wealthier and stronger. Better roads and infrastructure will enable that.”

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said infrastructure is a key pillar of our economic plan to grow the economy and get more Australians into work.

“With the unemployment rate already at an equal 48 year low, the measures in this Budget will create an additional 40,000 jobs across Australia, building on our world leading economic recovery,” the Treasurer said.

“By enhancing transport connectivity, we’re strengthening our supply chains against challenges such as COVID‑related disruptions and the impact of natural disasters. This gives businesses and consumers the confidence and certainty they need in uncertain times.”

Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher said this investment would support sustainable growth across Queensland and help secure the state’s long‑term prosperity and liveability.

“Our Government has a strong track record in delivering infrastructure that improves connections, reduces congestion and helps keep Australians moving, particularly across our fast growing urban centres,” Minister Fletcher said.

“This Budget includes a significant investment in faster rail projects to enhance connectivity between capital cities and regional centres, under the Morrison Government’s faster rail strategy.

“The $1.6 billion commitment in this Budget for the Beerwah‑Maroochydore rail extension and the $1.121 billion for Kuraby – Beenleigh Faster Rail will bring enhanced connectivity between Brisbane and major regional centres to the north and south, forming part of a strategic 200 kilometre North‑South rail corridor, with Brisbane at the centre.

“The Kuraby to Beenleigh Faster Rail Upgrade will allow for the potential doubling of express and all stop services on the corridor, while the new rail extension to the Sunshine Coast could see travel times between Beerwah and Maroochydore be as low as 20 minutes.

“With the 2032 Olympic Games just a decade away, it is critical that we plan and invest in the required infrastructure now so that Queensland is not only well equipped to host a successful Games, but can support sustainable growth over the coming decades.”

For more information on investments in Queensland, visit the Infrastructure Investment Program website.