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15 November 2019

Productivity Commission to review National Skills & Workforce Agreement


Joint media release with
Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business

The Morrison Government today has requested the Productivity Commission to review the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development (NASWD).

The NASWD provides financial support to the States and Territories to support vocational education and training (VET) and outlines agreed goals and targets in the areas of skills and workforce development.

The review of the NASWD is part of a wider Government plan for the Productivity Commission to undertake independent reviews of nationally significant sector-wide agreements with the States and Territories.

The Productivity Commission will review the effectiveness of the NASWD and will assess options for co-ordinated government support for VET, opportunities to increase VET participation and the potential to achieve further targeted reforms.

The Morrison Government is committed to strengthening the VET sector so that all Australians have the skills they need to succeed in a changing workplace, and businesses have a pipeline of qualified workers to grow and prosper.

The sector still bears some of the scars of Labor’s mismanagement of student loans, underfunded courses and quality issues.

The Government is committed to continue the hard work of reforming the sector, providing better quality courses, and better outcomes for trainees and employers.

This review will complement the Government’s implementation of the Delivering Skills for Today and Tomorrow package announced at the 2019-20 Budget. The $585 million Budget package will ensure Australians have the right skills to get a job and build a career – now and into the future, no matter where they live.

The Productivity Commission will undertake broad public consultation, including with state and territory governments, and is due to report to Government within twelve months. For further information, or to participate in the consultation process, please visit the Commission's website.