The government has called an election and is now in caretaker

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4 March 2022

Takeovers Panel appointments

The Morrison Government has today announced the re‑appointment of Mr Alex Cartel as the President of the Takeovers Panel. Mr Cartel will continue to provide strong leadership to the Panel for a three‑year term from 8 March 2022.

The Takeovers Panel provides a mechanism for peer review of takeovers activity, with the aim of being more efficient, less formal and more expeditious than the courts.

The Government has also announced the appointment of four new members and the re‑appointment of twelve members.

The new members appointed to the Panel, for the same term, are Mr Alberto Colla, Mr Timothy Longstaff, Mrs Deborah Page AM and Mr James Burchnall.

The members reappointed to the Panel, for the same term, are Mr Kelvin Barry, Mr Robin Bishop, Mr Michael Borsky QC, Mr Bruce Cowley, Ms Chelsey Drake, Ms Marissa Freund, Ms Mary (Elizabeth) Hallett, Ms Denise McComish, Mr John McGlue, Mr Bruce McLennan, Ms Kerry Morrow and Ms Philippa Stone.

These appointments will maintain the high level of skills and experience available to the Panel, ensuring that it has appropriately qualified members to deal with the range of complex issues which are raised in applications.

The functions and powers of the Panel are conferred by the Corporations Act 2001 and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001.

The Morrison Government is committed to helping our economy recover from COVID‑19 and the Panel plays an important role in ensuring Australia’s capital markets remain efficient and competitive.