24 June 2023

Albanese Government delivers more homes for Tasmanians


Joint media release with
Senator Anne Urquhart
Government Whip in the Senate
Senator for Tasmania 

15 new homes have been opened today in Devonport, making an immediate difference in the lives of Tasmanians as part of the Albanese Government’s ambitious housing agenda. 

108 Tarleton Street is another housing project completed in partnership with community housing provider Housing Choices Tasmania, with $33 million in funding from the Federal Government.  

The funding through the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation, comprising $31 million in loans and a $1.92 million grant, is helping to build up to 181 social, affordable homes at eight sites across Tasmania. 

The Federal Government’s contribution has been complemented by grant funding from the Tasmanian Government. 

In addition to the 15 new dwellings in East Devonport, 42 homes have been completed in Somerset and Shorewell Park, with a further 124 being built across North West Tasmania. 

Minister for Housing Julie Collins said working with the Tasmanian Government to deliver more social and affordable homes was a key part of the Government’s housing plans for Devonport and the whole state. 

“Safe and affordable housing is central to the security and dignity of Australians. Together we are working to address housing affordability, housing supply, and homelessness,” Minister Collins said. 

“Here in my own state of Tasmania, we see more people going into new homes because of the action the Albanese Government has taken. 

“We could do even more if the Greens and Liberal Senators had backed our $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund ‑ the single biggest investment in social and affordable rental housing by a Federal Government in more than a decade.” 

Senator Anne Urquhart said it comes just a week after the announcement of a new $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator to deliver thousands of new social homes across Australia including $50 million for Tasmania.  

“That additional funding brings the Albanese Government’s investment in housing and homelessness across the country to more than $9.5 billion in this financial year to 30 June,” Senator Urquhart said. 

“A secure home gives more Tasmanians the foundation for a better future.

“The Albanese Government is fulfilling its promises to the people of Tasmania and this important investment is Building a Better Braddon.”