27 July 2023

More social and affordable homes for Western Sydney

35 new social and affordable homes are now available in Western Sydney under a housing project part‑funded by the Albanese Government.

The Commonwealth Government delivered $5.25 million in loans through the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) to community housing provider Bridge Housing to support nine affordable homes in South Granville.

Bridge Housing will also manage the remaining 15 affordable homes and 11 social housing homes on behalf of the NSW Land and Housing Corporation.

Minister for Housing Julie Collins said supporting the community housing sector through cheaper, longer‑term finance was just one of the ways the Albanese Labor Government was helping tackle the country’s housing affordable challenges.

“We have an ambitious housing agenda, and key to that is our $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund,” Minister Collins said.

“This Fund will provide a secure, ongoing pipeline of funding for social and affordable housing– but it’s being blocked in the Senate by the Greens and the Liberals.

“Every day of delay is $1.3 million less that can be spent on housing Australians in need.”

The Albanese Government recently announced a new $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator to deliver thousands of new social homes across Australia, including more than $610 million for New South Wales.

Member for Parramatta Andrew Charlton said having access to safe, affordable housing helps vulnerable Australians build a more secure future for themselves and their families.

“This investment by the Albanese Government into our local community is a welcome addition, reinforcing its history as a launchpad for everyday Australians to build a successful future for themselves and their loved ones,” Mr Charlton said.

This loan is part of $76 million funding made available to Bridge Housing to refinance existing projects and support new social and affordable housing.

NHFIC funding to date has enabled Bridge Housing to provide 365 dwellings.