

Address to the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hobart

*** Check against delivery *** Acknowledgments omitted.

Launch of State of the Housing System Report 2024, Sydney

Acknowledgments omitted. This important body of work lays bare the challenges in Australia’s housing system. And for most Australians it won’t come as a surprise.

Address to the COSBOA National Small Business Summit, Sydney

Acknowledgments omitted. It is fantastic to be here to talk about the impressive contribution that Australia’s small businesses make to the Australian economy.


Second Reading Speech, Help to Buy Bill 2023

“Sold”. It’s just a four‑letter word, but for so many Australians it means much more.

Address to Business Sydney, Sydney

Acknowledgments omitted. It’s wonderful to be here in Sydney to talk about the Albanese Government’s support for small businesses.

Address to CEDA, Melbourne

Displayed at the entrance of my office in Parliament is a piece of artwork I received from the Katherine Accommodation Action Group just a few weeks after I became the Minister for Housing.

Address to National Housing Conference, Brisbane

It’s been just over 18 months since AHURI lasted hosted a National Housing Conference.

Address to the AFR Property Summit, Sydney

Acknowledgments omitted. Australians deserve a housing system that is well‑supplied and well‑functioning.

Statement on a significant matter - National Homelessness Week

This week our nation is once again marking Homelessness Week. Across the country Homelessness Week is a time for reflection and a time for action.

Address to the Property Council Leaders Summit, Parliament House, Canberra

As I said back in February – and on countless occasions since – we don’t have enough homes. We need to build more of the right homes in the right places.

Address to the Housing and Homelessness Forum, Darwin

Everyone gathered here today would be well aware that Australia is facing a significant number of housing and homelessness challenges, with real consequences for individuals and families.

Address to the National Franchise Convention, Gold Coast

Opportunity was a strong theme underpinning last week’s Budget.

Address to First National Real Estate Conference, Hobart

It’s not often I get to talk about all my portfolio responsibilities at the one conference.

Address to CHIA Victoria Conference, Melbourne

Introduction I am grateful for the opportunity to speak with you all today.

Launch of State of the Nation's Housing Report, Sydney

The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation – NHFIC – has done an important job with the State of the Nation’s Housing report.

Address to COSBOA National Small Business Summit, Melbourne

I’ve had the honour of meeting some amazing small business people in recent months.

Launch of the ESG Community Housing Standard, Melbourne

I am delighted to join you today at the launch of an ESG Reporting Standard for Australian Community Housing.

Second reading speech, Housing Australia Future Fund Bill 2023

Today marks a turning point. With the Bills I introduce today, this government is turning the page on a wasted decade of national housing policy in Australia.

Address to the Property Council Housing Thought Leadership event, Parliament House, Canberra

Today we are here to launch the report, A Stark Reality. The word ‘stark’ is spot on. The stark reality is that the nation is at a critical turning point.


Address to the Queensland Housing Summit, Brisbane

Acknowledgments omitted. Thank you for the invitation to join you today.