4 May 2005

Super Choices: Your Super, Your Future, Your Choice

A new super booklet will help Australians to understand more about their retirement nest egg, make informed financial decisions, and maximise their superannuation savings.

Released by the Australian Government today, Super Choices is a useful booklet written for everyone who's thinking about their super. Written in down-to-earth language, it's a must read for every working Australian no matter how much they currently know about super.

"Super Choices is an essential part of the Government's comprehensive community education campaign for the many employees who, for the first time, will have a say as to who manages their retirement savings from 1 July this year," Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer, Mal Brough, said today.

"It's an important step in our commitment to engage people about superannuation, with the goal of improving retirement incomes for more Australians.

Chairman of ASIC, Jeffrey Lucy, said "ASIC wants people to understand more about super, and make good superannuation choices. Super Choices will help you decide whether to stay in your current fund or choose a new one and make other important decisions about your super', said Mr Lucy.

"Super Choices helps employees understand what choice means for them, and how to make the most of other key superannuation initiatives announced by the Government."

Super Choices is full of helpful tips for getting interested in your super, comparing retirement and insurance benefits and other features, and keeping fees and charges down. It contains a useful do-it-yourself worksheet and super calculator to help compare funds.

Super Choices was prepared by ASIC and can be downloaded from the Government's super choice website www.superchoice.gov.au, from ASIC's consumer website FIDO at www.fido.gov.au or get a free copy by phoning 13 28 64.