The Board of Taxation continues its important contribution to Australia’s tax administration with the release of two significant reports today.
The Government commissioned the Review of Research and Development Tax Incentive (R&DTI) Dual Agency Administration Model to ensure the administrative framework – shared between the ATO and Industry Innovation and Science Australia – avoids duplication and supports a streamlined experience for taxpayers. Smooth administration is essential to realise the benefits of the Government’s $2 billion investment in the R&DTI in the 2020‑21 Budget.
The Review of the GST on Low‑Value Imported Goods follows the successful application of the GST to imported goods valued at $1,000 or less, levelling the playing field for Australian retailers. This post‑implementation review ensures the measure continues to represent international best practice.
Both reports indicate that current settings are working well. While there are pragmatic suggestions for further improvements in processes, the ATO and other relevant regulators are working together to administer the programs efficiently and collaboratively with affected stakeholders.
The Government and relevant regulators will consider the Board’s recommendations and findings in each report. Copies of the reports are available on the Board’s website.