10 December 2008

Minister Presents 'Moola Awards' in Alice Springs

Senator Nick Sherry, Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law, Mr Paul Clitheroe chairman of the Australian Financial Literacy Board and ASIC Commissioner Jeremy Cooper, will be in Alice Springs today to hold meetings with key Indigenous leaders and service providers on financial literacy.

While in Alice Springs, the Minister will also present prizes to three winners of ASIC's Moola Matters competition for Northern Territory high school students.

"I am delighted to award these prizes for such a high standard of competition entry," Minister Sherry said. He will present prizes to Kenny Campbell, 15, Robert Austin, 14, and Ryan Presley, 14, from Alice Springs High School.

'The Government has set a target of closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous employment within the next decade – and improving financial literacy is critical to achieving and sustaining that goal.'

'Financially literate people also have far better chance of making sound financial decisions in a complex world,' Minister Sherry said.

The prize winning joint entry was a short film titled 'Mobile Moola Matters' about the mobile phone use of classmates and tips on how to control mobile phone spending.

The entry can be viewed and downloaded from:

Further information about this year's winners of the competition can be downloaded from http://www.asic.gov.au/ASIC/asic.nsf/byHeadline/AD08-77%20Moola%20matters!%20Winners%20announced%20in%20the%20NT?opendocument.