14 April 2010

Consultations begin on a National Disability Care and Support Scheme


Joint Media Release with
The Hon Jenny Macklin MP
Minister for Families, Community Services, Housing and Indigenous Affairs, and
The Hon Bill Shorten MP
Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children's Services
Parliamentary Secretary for Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction

Community Services Minister Jenny Macklin, the Assistant Treasurer, Senator Nick Sherry and the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities Bill Shorten today welcomed the start of the Productivity Commission Inquiry into a National Disability Care and Support scheme.

Ms Macklin said the Inquiry forms part of the Australian Government's ten year National Disability Strategy being developed with State and Territory Governments and in consultation with the National People with Disabilities and Carer Council.

The Inquiry will examine a range of options, and consider whether a no-fault social insurance approach to disability is appropriate in Australia. It will also examine the implications of such a scheme for Australia's health, aged care, and income support systems, and potential interactions with injury insurance schemes.

"The Inquiry is an important opportunity to rethink how we support people with disability, their families and carers, so that they can participate in their community, get a job where possible, and live a happy and meaningful life" Ms Macklin said.

"This is fundamental to the Rudd Government's vision of a fairer, more inclusive, Australia."

Parliamentary Secretary Shorten said the Inquiry had generated a lot of interest, not just among people with disability, but across the wider community.

He said the Productivity Commission has already received a record 930 expressions of interest in the Inquiry.

"An insurance scheme has wide support amongst disability groups, but it is a complex idea that will require rigorous analysis before it can be implemented," Mr Shorten said.

"I would urge all people interested in an insurance scheme, or who have views on how we best tackle the challenges of disability in this country, to make a submission to the Productivity Commission."

The Assistant Treasurer said: "The inquiry has already received an unprecedented level of interest and the Productivity Commission is seeking further submissions."

"The Inquiry will also hold consultations across Australia and report to the Government in July 2011."

To obtain a copy of the discussion paper or the terms of reference for the Inquiry and see the schedule of consultations, see www.pc.gov.au or contact Clair Angel at cangel@pc.gov.au or on (02) 6240 3239.