17 March 2010

Government Introduces Legislation to Assist Fund Raising for Bali Peace Park


Joint Media Release with
The Hon Peter Garrett MP
Minister for Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts

The Assistant Treasurer, Senator Nick Sherry, and the Member for Kingsford-Smith and Minister for Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts, Peter Garrett MP, have welcomed the introduction into the Parliament today of legislation to allow tax deductions for gifts to the Bali Peace Park Association Inc.

The Association is seeking to raise funds to acquire the Sari Club site in Bali and create a garden in memory of the victims of the terrorist bomb attacks on 12 October 2002.

The measure to extend deductible gift recipient (DGR) status to the Bali Peace Park Association is contained in the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 2) Bill 2010, introduced into the House of Representatives today.

"The Rudd Government is pleased to be able to extend DGR status and its fundraising benefits to such a worthy project as the Bali Peace Park," the Assistant Treasurer said.

"The listing of the Association as a deductible gift recipient will assist the Association to attract funds for this purpose."

"The 2002 Bali disaster was a tragedy that affected the whole of Australia, with tragic links to people in my electorate of Kingsford-Smith," Mr Garrett said.

"The Coogee area, with its Bali memorial, is a national focal point for honouring the victims of the terrorist attacks."

"It's appropriate the Bali Peace Park Association gets the support it needs to preserve the Sari Club site as a fitting memorial to those who tragically lost their lives," Mr Garrett said.

The Assistant Treasurer foreshadowed today's legislation on 17 December 2009 and subject to its passage through Parliament, deductions for gifts to the Association will apply for a period of two years from that day.