24 June 2004

Implications of the Future Ageing of Australia's Population

The Treasurer, the Hon Peter Costello, today asked the Productivity Commission to undertake a research study into the economic and fiscal implications of the future ageing of Australia’s population.

The study, endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments, will help governments to improve their understanding of the challenges and opportunities arising from the projected ageing of Australia’s population.

The research will complement other initiatives which have been undertaken by the Australian Government on demographic change. These initiatives include the Intergenerational Report, released as part of the 2002 03 Budget, and the discussion paper Australia’s Demographic Challenges, which was released in February 2004 to encourage community debate on these issues.

The Productivity Commission has been asked to report within nine months. The terms of reference are attached.

People wishing to obtain further information on the inquiry or register their interest can do so by visiting the Productivity Commission’s website at: www.pc.gov.au or by contacting the Commission directly on (02) 6240 3239.