The Productivity Commission has been instructed to undertake an inquiry into the impacts of Commonwealth, State and Territory regulations relating to native vegetation and biodiversity.
The 12 month inquiry will examine the regulatory impact in a range of areas, including farming practices, productivity, sustainability and property values and returns.
Concerns have been raised about the impact of regulation that provides for the sustainable management of Australia's native vegetation and biodiversity. The Commonwealth considers there to be merit in examining the nature and duration of these impacts.
Professor Warren Musgrave, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of New England, and Dr Brian Fisher, Executive Director of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, have been appointed as Associate Commissioners to the inquiry.
Both Professor Musgrave and Dr Fisher will bring extensive experience in providing high level policy analysis and advice to this inquiry.
A copy of the terms of reference and further information about the inquiry is available on the Productivity Commission's website,