The Government is delighted with the passage today of the Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Bill (No 1) 2005 (the Dawson Bill).
The Government has worked closely with small businesses to bring about benefits for small business that flow from the Dawson Bill, benefits that include:
- a simpler process for collective bargaining, making this process simpler and less costly;
- a more transparent and certain system for mergers;
- stronger powers for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission;
- significantly higher penalties for those who engage in anti-competitive conduct; and
- retaining the per-se prohibition in relation to third line forcing.
The Government looks forward to working with small business on the next stage of its Trade Practices Act 1974 (TPA) reform to strengthen the misuse of market power provisions and unconscionable conduct provisions of the TPA.
This Bill was defeated in the Senate one year ago by a combination of the ALP, Democrats and Greens. It is a major breakthrough today for it to be passed. I acknowledge the work of Senator Boswell and Family First in making this possible.