Ladies and gentlemen, this is the fifth Budget that the Coalition Government has brought down. It is an opportunity for us to bring together our economic objectives and our social objectives. For the fourth year in a row the Budget is in surplus and this year we pay off another $9 billion of debt. By the end of this financial year we will have repaid $50 billion of Labors $80 billion debt. The $80 billion which were run up in the last five years of the Labor administration. And that gives us the opportunity as our interest bills come down to refocus our spending priorities. The Budget forecasts will continue the move from deficits of around about $17 billion where they peaked in 1993-94, where the Coalition was elected in 1996-97, our first surplus Budget, our second surplus Budget. Our third surplus Budget this financial year, 1999-2000, which has come in about double what we predicted in the mid-year review with stronger growth and has come in from memory at about, we expect at the end of this financial year, we expect to come in about $7.8 billion in cash terms. That stronger growth has given us a better starting position for the forthcoming financial year, where the Budget will still be in surplus, notwithstanding two factors. One is that the Government has reduced taxes by a net $5 billion or so and, secondly, the money that was lost in the Australian Senate by the obstructionist tactics of the Labor Party. What that shows is that as our interest payments on debt have fallen, our priorities on families and hospitals and schools has increased. Before the Government came to office, we spent about the same on interest bills as we spent on hospitals and schools. Today we spend about half on interest bills to what we spend on hospitals and schools. Today we spend about half on interest bills of what we pay to families.
Our forecasts this year are for continuing strong growth, but off the kind of level that weve seen in the last three years. The last three years weve sustained growth above four per cent for 11 quarters, something thats not been done in Australia for a very long time. It wasnt that the growth was higher than has previously been the case, but it was consistent and high in the last 11 quarters, above four per cent. Weve had times when growth has been much higher than that. Weve had growth at six and seven, but weve never been able to sustain it. What was different about the last three years was that it was high and consistent, with strong employment growth continuing. And in this Budget we forecast unemployment to come down over the course of the year to six and a quarter per cent, which is the lowest in a decade and if it should fall further after that, in the
following year, we would be at historically low levels.
This year we pay off another $9 billion worth of debt which will leave the Commonwealth debt to GDP ratio, at the end of this year where the dotted line is, at seven per cent. Our target was to have the Commonwealth debt to GDP ratio at ten per cent by 2000-2001. We have exceeded that and the debt will come down to seven by the end of this year, this financial year starting on 1 July. In that figure there are no proceeds of further sales of Telstra. And what drives debt reduction thereafter is further surplus budgets but where we make very large inroads in these years, proceeds of Telstra. I want to emphasise the point that debt to GDP ratio falls to seven per cent without any further proceeds from Telstra other than the installments which have already been sold of course. That debt to GDP ratio of seven per cent compares with European averages of about 50 per cent. The United States of about 50 per cent and Japan of about 50 per cent. It would be one of the lowest debt to GDP ratios in the world and lower than any other major OECD economy by a long shot. And as we pay off debt and our interest bills come down, its always been the Governments intention to redirect our spending.
There are some major new initiatives in this Budget, particularly in relation to rural health measures where over a four year period the Government will be spending about $562 million to get more doctors and better health services into country areas. There were some people that thought that the Government should go into a panoply of measures, but our view is to hold out a cure-all for all the problems of the region was to deliver false hope. We wanted to choose an area where we could make a really big difference and concentrate on it. And were going to concentrate on medical services in the regional areas. One of the biggest initiatives of which, and I dont think this has ever been done in Australia before, were going to offer a hundred new places in medical schools to students who will enter a bond. Theyll be paid $20,000 while they are training and the bond will give them the right to practice in regional areas for six years after graduation, but they will not be able to practice anywhere other than rural areas. Its a six year bond that will give them the opportunity to become doctors and give rural Australia the opportunity to get more doctors and get that doctor/patient ratio down. The person to doctor ratio in the cities is about 1:1000, in country Australia, its 1:1500. And as you talk to people in regional Australia, theres nothing that worries them more than the lack of access to basic healthcare.
This is a Budget which continues the strong record of economic management by the Coalition, which brings together our economic and our social obligations, which will secure a better future for Australia, better health, better services in regional Australia and continuing job opportunities as the economy grows.
Mr Costello, are you the first Treasurer in history to literally pull your Budget surplus out of thin air, with the spectrum sales?
Well let me make a couple of points about spectrum sales. Spectrum sales have been in the Budget since 1996, and the spectrum sales that are in the Budget for this year were in the mid-year review. Nothing new has gone into the Budget. The mid-year review figures had the spectrum sales, and Ill just tell you what they were because some people were asking me. Digital datacasting, third generation mobile and 3.4 gigahertz wireless local loop. And licence fees for the use of spectrum in relation to television, I think have been in the budget since 1956, and in relation to radio have been in the budget for a longer period than that. What changed between the mid-year review and this Budget is that obviously we werent budgeting for as much in terms of revenue as we think we now should have. And the reason that we tweaked to that was that the sale last year, and we had a sale last year, came in at over $1 billion, and we didnt expect it would raise that. So we revised up the valuation to what we consider is a fair estimate. And theres nothing wrong with that. Theres no other way of treating it. Its the way its been treated in Australia since people began using spectrum, first with wireless. Its the way its treated under the IMF guidelines. Its the way its treated under Australian accounting standards. You cant treat it any other way and I suppose the good news is that whilst our dividends declined, this source of non-tax revenue increased. Now, overall our non-tax revenues went down, but they would have gone down a lot more if the value of this non-tax revenue hadnt increased.
So youre not concerned that the Governments record as economic managers may be undermined by predicating the surplus almost entirely on what everyone used to regard as an asset sale?
Well the IMF standards say that its not, that it should be treated as a non-tax revenue. Australian accounting standards say that it should be treated as a non-tax revenue. Our Charter of Budget Honesty says it should be treated as a non-tax revenue. Weve always treated it as a non-tax revenue. All the other governments in Australian history have treated it as a non-tax revenue and theres no other way to treat it. So if somebody could find an accounting standard which treated it differently I suppose we could enter into it, but there is no other way to treat it. And to say, oh well you shouldnt count that, you shouldnt count what you are going to get from spectrum sales but you should count what you are going to get for dividends, or you shouldnt count what youre going to get from fees and licenses which we have always counted but you should count one-offs in the East Timor expenditure, is really just to say that you will try and rewrite expenses and revenues. This is the way it has to be treated.
Treasurer, what would the bottom line have looked like without the windfall that you saw revise up?
Wed have probably been paying off, I think were paying off $9 billion worth of debt. If this area had been down, it depends on what had happened in other areas. If we had got normal dividends out of our companies, wed have probably got another $4 billion this year, but the dividends were down. Luckily we can cope with lower dividends and when those dividends return to the Budget next year I am sure youll all say that they are properly counted.
But what would the underlying cash balance be on last years estimate of spectrum sales (inaudible)?
Well, my point is this, you cant say lets assume everything in a Budget is constant except for one particular individual item. What would the underlying cash balance have been if we hadnt put a force in to East Timor? What would the underlying cash balance have been if, for example, the Government hadnt put up family allowances? I mean, you can abstract all of these things, but a Budget takes into account everything that is going to affect the particular budgetary year. And this is one area where non-tax revenue is greater, and there are other areas where non-tax revenue is less. If you want to look at it in historical terms non-tax revenue is actually down this year. What would the bottom line have looked like if wed had a historic return on our dividends? It would have looked much stronger.
Treasurer, why do you factor in the spectrum sales when you havent factored in the further sale of Telstra?
Because, under IMF and Australian Accounting standards you have to factor in license fees, whereas you shouldnt factor in asset sales. And this is a license fee. This is a license fee. Not selling off the spectrum, the spectrum is owned by the Government. What you do is you license somebody to use it and when the license runs out you will presumably license somebody else to use it. Now, I dont write the accounting standards, theyre written by the IMF, thats the GFS accounting standards, and the Australian accounting standards are written by the accounting standards bodies, we report against them. You cant report against anything else. That is the way you have to report. In fact if you didnt report against them you would be in breach of the accounting standards. You cant do anything else.
But why did you choose not to factor in the further sale of Telstra?
You cant factor in the further sale of Telstra to your bottom line under the GFS, which is the IMF standard, the Australian accounting standard. We factor it into our balance sheet though, we factor it in here. Not in this particular year because we are not anticipating any proceeds from T3 in this particular year, but in these particular years we do factor it in. It doesnt go into the statement of revenues and expenses, but it goes into the debt position. As I said, we get our debt factor position back at the end of this year, 7 per cent of GDP. Our target was 10, as you know, so we exceed it. This will illustrate to you what would happen with the sale of Telstra. Let me tell you what would happen with the sale of Telstra 3. You would eliminate all Commonwealth debt. The interest payments on Commonwealth debt would go to zero. If we are paying $6 billion in interest payments now, when you pay off Commonwealth debt, youd get a $6 billion per annum saving in your interest payments.
Now, the flipside of that is youd also get, incidentally, a telecommunications company which wasnt hamstrung, which if I may say so, is an even more important point. Telstra is a company now which is investing heavily in internet and electronic commerce. But unlike any other company in the world, which can invest in electronic commerce and internet, it cant exchange equity for equity. It cant do that because there is a limit on the equity of Telstra which is available. It has to do it by debt. And as a result it is being absolutely hamstrung by its Government ownership. People have got to realise this. It is not just a question now of owning a telephone company, the Government now has a 50.1 per cent in a company which is increasingly becoming an internet company, which is where its profits are going to be generated. And why would a Government want to have a 50.1 per cent ownership in an internet-type company, which is, as you would have seen in relation to recent movements on the NASDAQ a pretty up and down business?
Do you think Telstra share prices will continue to slide if the Government cant break through this hybrid ownership structure?
Well, its not helping Telstra.
Do you think it will it continue to slide?
I dont want to do anything that is interpreted as moving a share price one way or the other, and I
want to make that entirely clear.
But is that a factor in why the share price has been coming down?
But Ill make this point. It is not helping Telstra, that alone, almost alone of the telecommunications companies of the world when it wants to go into internet business its got to buy businesses with cash because it cant swap equity. This is the problem with Telstra, its got to buy with cash, it cant swap equity because it hasnt got another share that it can put out and dilute the shareholding. So youve got telecommunications companies all around the world, you know, Bell South, and New Zealand and in Britain and everywhere else in the world, which are now going into what is going to be the industry of the future. And Telstra alone of all those companies cant match them.
Treasurer, the Australian dollar (inaudible) close to 58 cents today. How this Budget is received will likely have an impact on the dollar. How do you expect markets to receive it, and why do you expect them to receive it well?
Well, I think that the markets like anybody else should look at a economy which has come off a little in its growth rate but is still growing at 3 - per cent. An economy which has low on-going inflation, with a tax system which is going to be modernised. With a debt position which exceeds anything you would find in Europe, America or Japan. With fiscal discipline, a Budget which is now in surplus for the fourth year in a row. But although they are good measures, targetted measures, and I think that when you look at the fundamentals of the Australian economy they are strong fundamentals. Now you and I know as much as anything that in markets there is a whole heap of factors that move markets. But and Ive said this a thousand times, I think you ask me about the level of the dollar every single day and I think every single day I say to you I dont comment on the future of the dollar and over the long run fundamentals come into play, but in the short term there is a lot of sentiment. And I dont want you to interpret that any differently to the way you would interpret it on a daily basis when I give you that answer.
You ask me every second day about the dollar.
To what extent are your forecast (inaudible)..predicated on a continuing weak dollar?
Its not so much the value of the dollar that is the basis for our export figures, it is the strength of the world economy. Weve lived through in 1997-1998 the greatest financial crisis of our generation, post World War II generation. And weve lived through the eye of the storm in Asia, and, of the economies of Asia, Australia was the only one that kept growing. In fact, as you see there, it actually speeded up. But it was mainly done because domestic demand was strong. The good thing for us is, as the world economy peaks up and exports strengthen then domestic demand can come off. That is a good thing for us. There has been a lot of talk in financial markets that the world economy strengthening is somehow a bad thing for Australia. Look, let me make this point, a strengthening world economy is a good thing for any exporting nation.
So why are interest rates going up?
Look, you know, there has been a lot of talk about the world economy. The world economy is growing stronger than it has probably for five or more years. The US economy is strong, Asia is coming back and that is whats good for our exports. And thats not a bad thing.
Why scrap the Timor tax, if you had some good polling? It certainly would have made your thin-air surplus look a little bit better.
Well. I have no polling on the issue nor would I every poll the issue and frankly I dont think you should even suggest it. I can say to you without a shadow of a doubt we would never ever poll an issue like that. Never have never would. And I am sure if you did it wouldnt show the implication of what was behind your question. We said to the Australian people this. Were going into East Timor. East Timor is going to be a heavy commitment. It is going to be about $1 billion a year. And in the year 2000-2001 that billion dollars will throw this budget into deficit for a whole host of reasons. Mostly because of the intransigence of the Senate which had blasted by that stage $1.8 billion of damage on the budget per annum commencing in this year. We said to the Australian people we want to ensure that our troops lack for nothing in East Timor and we want to keep the budget in surplus. And thats why, as a one-off measure, for twelve months only there will be a levy to keep the budget in surplus. And it will keep the budget in surplus to the tune of about $400-$500 million. Since November of last year the Australian economy has grown stronger. Our tax receipts have grown. Our non-tax revenues in some areas are better than we expected. And the budget will unequivocally be in surplus without the levy. Now I think it is a matter of keeping faith. If you say to the Australian people we need a levy to keep the budget in surplus and the budget quite plainly is going to be in surplus without the levy, the Australian people would be entitled to say to you-you introduced it when you thought you needed it, but if you dont you shouldnt proceed with it. What would keeping the levy have done? Keeping the levy would mean that this year all other things being equal, rather than running a $2.8 billion surplus, we would have run a $3.7 billion surplus. Rather than having paid off $50 billion of Labors debt, wed have paid up $50.9 billion of Labors debt. But what, who said that. You said that.
This is an income tax cut(inaudible)...going to affect the top(inaudible)?
I thought your question was this. Why didnt you keep the levy to strengthen your fiscal position? If you kept the levy and spent it on the bush what would that do to the fiscal position?
Im offering you alternatives.
You wouldve had the levy and the same fiscal position. Thats what you would have had. But if youd have taken the $900 million in and put the $900 million out, you would have had precisely the same fiscal position with a levy in place which you had told people was for the purposes of East Timor and they suddenly found once it wasnt needed, had been squirreled away on something else. I actually think this is a matter of keeping faith with the Australian people.
If we tell the Australian people that they need a one-off levy to fund East Timor and keep the budget in surplus and we fund East Timor and the budget is in surplus without it, I think we owe it to the Australian people not to proceed with it. And to have bagged the levy and spent it elsewhere I think would have been a real breach of faith and thats the kind of breach of faith we dont want to engage in.
Analysts believe that the spectrum would raise a lot more than your estimate of $2.6 million. Do you suspect thats to be the case and if so will that give you a substantial election budget?
Well two points. One is I dont put valuations on the spectrum. We have been in the process, as I understand it, and Im a layman, there might be higher tech people here than me, but this is my understanding. As technology improves people figure out ways to use the spectrum which previously had no commercial advantage but now do. And since 1996 weve been allowing competition on the spectrum, thats been our policy. And back in the old days we used to give it away but we think now that a better way of getting a better tax return for taxpayers is to say, whoever thinks they can make a use for it can pay the Government a licence fee and use it. And thats good for taxpayers. Now hang on. Weve been doing that since 1996 and we had an auction go in 1999-2000 and it raised proceeds that we didnt imagine it was going to raise. And so we then had to sit down and say well if that auction raised over a billion, what is the one in 2000-2001 going to raise? And I did what I always do. I asked the experts to give me their best figure. I do the same thing on dividends. When Im doing a budget I write out to Telstra, I say whats the dividend going to be? I write out to the Reserve Bank and I ask what the dividends going to be. When the message came back from Telstra and the Reserve Bank it was bad news, very bad news. And my day was only saved when the message came back from our experts who looked at these licence fees. Now you ask me will it raise more? I hope it would. Let me tell you why I hope it would. Because from a taxpayers point of view we want to maximise for the taxpayer these assets. But I dont think it will because the best advice I have is thats the figure and thats why Ive got it in there.
(Inaudible)tax cuts and raise more?
Well I like to keep a good strong fiscal policy but lets not get into new issues.
Treasurer, how does that fit in with the fact that you given the digital spectrum to (inaudible)?
Well we actually charge as you know the TV stations licence fees. Thats right. And then we mandated that they should double broadcast in digital. And from my discussions with the television stations, they actually think by the way that the licence fees they pay on an annual basis makes what were getting for these spectrum licences cheap.
I asked the same question of a couple of television networks and they actually think their annual licence fees, when you look at it over a period of time, makes this look cheap. But, since Malcolm you work for News Corporation, I dont suppose I can convince you of that.
Im just offering you another alternative.
Treasurer what would you say if to people like(inaudible)you said before about the targetted measures and a lot of them are focussed on the bush and rural health. What would you say to some people like government backbenchers who have complained or suggested that the bush is getting an unfair focus. What would be your message to them?
I think the measurers that weve got in here are decent targetted measures. The principle one in here is the rural health package, More Doctors Better Services. And that measure is $562 million over four years and it is basically designed to try and get more doctors to service country people.
But metropolitan seat holders are upset(inaudible)
Okay lets talk about the metropolitan seat holders. What do we know about metropolitan areas? One doctor per thousand people. What do we know about regional areas? One doctor per fifteen hundred people. Youve got to get enough doctors out in the rural areas to get the ratio the same before you get equality . I dont think anybody could talk about special treatment for the bush when its starting off at such a disparity. All were trying to do, and Im not even saying that, Im not putting a projection here as to what the outcome is, all were trying to do is in the area of medical services which is on an empirical basis of a lower level in the rural areas, were trying to get it up to the average. Nobody is getting special treatment here. What theyre getting is the addressing of special disadvantage.