1 November 2007

Doorstop Interview, Cazaly's Stadium, Cairns


SUBJECTS: $3 million for Cazaly Stadium


…all the way to Cairns to make a sporting announcement.


Well to support our candidate here in Cairns and of course to emphasise the importance to the Federal Government of Far North Queensland and Cairns in particular.The announcement which I have made today is $3 million towards the construction of a new stand here at Cazaly Stadium.That will ensure that the stadium stands are at AFL standards so that AFL games can be played here, first-class cricket games can be played here, young people will be given the chance to play on a great sporting arena and they may actually get the opportunity as a result of that to hit the big time.And there are young Australians from the Cape down who are incredibly talented and I believe, if they have good facilities they can let their talent take them to the very top and I would like to see that happen.


Why not triple the amount and make it available to all sporting facilities across Cairns?


Well this is a Federal Government contribution.We would expect that there would be State government contributions, we would expect that there will be fundraising from the club itself so the Commonwealth Government steps in and it takes the lead and we hope that this money can be used as a spur to get other investment as well.


Are events a good way for the regions economy to diversify do you think, to move away from a tourism based economy?


Well I think sporting facilities can add to tourism.People come here, they can see the reef of course and the wonderful rainforests, they might even want to take in a cricket game or an AFL game.It will add to tourism.But I also think of course, as the community grows and as it becomes more diversified, the people living here will want to have access to first-class sporting events.And a first-class stadium is necessary these days to get first-class sporting events.


Wayne Swan says you are on the record as saying the minimum wage should be lower in regional areas.Is that true?


No.Wayne Swan, surprisingly enough has never asked me a question in the Parliament on any of these issues.I think if Wayne Swan were really concerned about these things he would have and he would have known that I believe that the important thing is to create jobs and to get wage increases.Ask Mr Wayne Swan this: is it true while I have been Treasurer, wages have increased in real terms 20 per cent?And is it true that whilst his Party was in power, wages were cut, real wages declined by 1.8 per cent?Find out if Mr Swan has an answer as to why wages go up under a Coalition and down under a Labor Party.


Peter, I think the biggest question in the minds of the voters is with you as the heir apparent is, how is a Costello led government different from a Rudd led government?


Well if course people know that I have the capacity to manage the economy.Over the last 10 years we have seen 2.2 million new jobs created, we have cut tax, interest rates have come down, over the last 10 years the Budget has been balanced.Now Mr Rudd has no experience, he has no record, he has no understanding of the Australian economy, Kevin Rudd never supported any of the economic reform which has got us to where we now are.He opposed balancing the Budget, he opposed paying off debt, he opposed tax reform.Kevin Rudd is the most untried, untested person that has ever put himself forward to become Prime Minister.And his economic record is such that he can't show he has ever seriously done anything to strengthen the economy.In fact, his economic record really is quite shameful.


If you become Prime Minister, what will you do differently?


Well people know what I stand for: jobs for Australians, a more competitive tax system, technical training for young people, help for self-funded retirees and pensioners a $500 utilities allowance to help with rising costs.These are the things I stand for.I have stood for them all my life, I have put them in practice over the last 10 years and I want to make this country stronger.


Do voters need to, should they know about a candidates sexuality, either of you?


Well an I say, I think the comments that were made by the Family First candidate were very unfortunate.And I think upon reflection that candidate will think a second time and will want to apologise for those remarks.I think the national leadership of Family First will be embarrassed by what their candidate has done.I don't think the national leadership of Family First will be happy with a candidate who seeks political advantage by airing those kinds of matters.It doesn't reflect well on Family First.It doesn't reflect well on the candidate.I think the person it actually reflects well on is Charlie McKillop, somebody who won't be deflected, somebody who is going to stand up for the people of Leichhardt and somebody who is single minded in talking about the issues of importance to them.Thank you.Thanks.