And the Treasurer, Peter Costello is on the line in Canberra. Treasurer, good morning.
Good morning Alan.
Treasurer do you ever shake your head during campaigns like this and wonder what it's all about? Because you have been there for eight years, you have created 1.3 million new jobs, you have seen savings of more than $500 a month on interest repayments on the average home loan since you've been Treasurer, you've cut the debt from $95 billion to $27 billion, you have taken the average inflation rate from about five and a bit per cent to two and a bit, you have taken the average interest rate, average, from 12.7 per cent to 7, you have taken days lost in industrial disputes per 1,000 employees from 198.4 to 71.1, unemployment has fallen from 8.2 per cent to 5.6 per cent, there are now 27.2 cranes per hour being moved on the waterfront as opposed to 16.9. We were talking about skills yesterday, there are now 407,000 kids, not enough, but in apprenticeships and traineeships, there are 142,000 when you became Treasurer, real wages have gone up by 13 per cent, the average in the previous 13 years was two and a bit.
You have cut company tax from 36 to 30 per cent. Now in all that catalogue the cry is, we will get rid of Costello and Howard. Do you ever shake your head and wonder what's going on?
Well look, over the last eight years we have made enormous strides Alan. It hasn't been an accident. It has taken hard work and tough decision making and we have got some results to show for it. And there are some people that say, oh well, you know, all of this just creates itself. There is something about Australia that makes it different to every other country in the world. It just creates itself. Can I say it doesn't. It takes a lot of work. It takes strong economic policy. It takes a cool head and decision making. And if people sit back and say, oh well, we can now afford to take a risk on somebody who has got no experience and an erratic policy there would be a nasty shock in relation to economic management coming for them around the corner.
Well a pensioner rang me this morning, now this is the flipside, and he wanted me to ask you about the possibility of a cap on the fuel tax. Because, I mean, you have done well, growth is good and we are talking about projected forward surpluses of $25 billion. And he is saying of course rising fuel prices by definition stick more money into Treasury coffers. And Patrick is a pensioner and he said, can he give us a break? Things are very expensive, fuel at the top of the list. What about a cap on the fuel tax?
Well the Commonwealth has capped the fuel tax. We have capped it at 38 cents. It doesn't rise. It doesn't rise, it doesn't even rise with inflation. So, in real terms it is actually declining.
So the fuel tax is an amount not a percentage?
The fuel tax is 38 cents a litre. It is not rising. It does not go up. It doesn't even follow inflation. It is capped at 38 cents.
Okay. That is the answer to that question. What then, let me ask you, and I have asked you this before about infrastructure. I know there is a water programme, a National Water Initiative that the Prime Minister has talked about, but we're in a water crisis, we spend billions, you know that, on drought relief, what about building dams, building weirs, harvesting water, desalination plants, grey water, water everywhere, we need to get it to where it is needed. Shouldn't this be a project for tomorrow?
I think so Alan. The Prime Minister has announced a national water policy in this election putting together a fund of $2 billion and that fund will be available to support projects such as desalination, recycling grey water, smarter uses of water, and of course in relation to our river system, it will also be available.
But for the first time the Commonwealth Government has announced this fund which can come in and support some of those projects. And in particular, deliver some of the technology that would help us save water and use it much more wisely. I think this is going to be a great initiative and if we get elected this will really change the way in which we look at water and manage it as a resource.
I spoke earlier this week and I would be happy for you to see the mammoth pile of emails in response about the problems of the mentally ill. There's a shortfall in New South Wales alone of over one thousand beds. I spoke to the world authority on Alzheimers, last year an estimated 162,000 Australians affected by dementia, the total cost to the community apparently over $6 billion and they say the worst is yet to come. Now all these people want is a piddling $250 million over five years for research consistent with their conclusions in Dementia Vision Australia. Could you as Treasurer say, well look I will give you this money, we have got to do something to alleviate the problems facing the mentally ill?
Well, I don't know that particular project, but what I can say to you is, we have funded the National Health and Medical Research Council. We have increased its fundings. It has more money than ever before. And people who are doing research put in bids to this Council. The Council allocates the bids on the basis of the projects which it thinks are most important. And if this is a good project, which it sounds like it is, and if it's strongly scientific with good beneficial results I would have thought it would be very eligible for funding.
But isn't it appalling in a rich country that there's a thousand people mentally ill in this State who don't have a bed, a proper psychiatric bed to go to. We have had this failed policy of half-way houses. We have sent them into the community. Many of them sleep under the Harbour Bridge, then they commit crime as a result of their psychotic behaviour and they finish up in jails. In a civilised society we have got to do better on that front haven't we?
I think that the policy, the policy as you know, was to get people out into the community. That changed some time ago. I don't think that policy has been a great success.
It hasn't.
We have had people who are out in the community, I mean that is good if they can cope, but there are a lot of them that are unable to cope and as you say, they get into trouble, they can't sleep except in public parks, they can get into crime and I think Alan, that whole policy has got to be re-thought. Now it is a New South Wales Government policy so I am not holding myself out as an expert in relation to it but just as an ordinary citizen like you, it would seem to me that this is an area where a lot of re-thinking has got to be done in relation to policy.
There are 2 point something, 2.1, 2, 3, depending on to whom you speak, families in Australia, Mark Latham conceded now only that seven out of 10 will get anything from his Family Tax and Welfare package, that would mean that there are over 600,000 families who either go without or who are worse off. Now, amongst all of that of course is the abolition of this $600 per child per annum Family Tax Payment. Do you think that $600 has been sold adequately to the public, that they know exactly what they are getting?
I think the families do, Alan. Families who receive this payment got $600 per child before the 30th of June. Now in a family with three kids that is $1800 in respect of the current year as they are filing tax returns they will be getting…
…and the next year and the next year.
…another $600, and if our Government is elected then that $600 per child per annum will continue forever. Now, Mr Latham's policy is to abolish it. If Mr Latham is elected, this is the last $600 payment that you will ever see. As a consequence of abolishing that payment, families, particularly low income families who have numbers of children, it is not that they are not going to be better off Alan, they are going to be actively worse off. Now let's take an example, Dad is earning $35,000 and he is supporting Mum and three kids. Do you know what Mr Latham proposes to do? Take money out of his pocket. Now you think about a Dad who is earning $35,000, going out to work 40 hours a week, he is trying to support Mum, pay the mortgage, support the children – he is not rich – but under Mr Latham's policy, Mr Latham wants to take away family assistance. He wants to actively reduce his budget. He wants to squeeze that family. And of course if the family had a fourth child, he would squeeze it even more.
Do you think this is because someone has put all of this package together without a clear understanding amongst the leadership of the Labor Party what the detail is about?
Yes, look, what happened, Alan, is that Mr Latham promised a policy back in May, he didn't do the work, he cobbled it together at the last moment, it has got all sorts of weaknesses, when those weaknesses were pointed out, he should have said, well look, hang on, I will have it re-done and come back to you with a proper policy. He has got caught in the middle of the campaign, he won't put the policy in for costing, it has been out there for 16 days, for 16 days he refuses to allow it to be independently assessed under the Charter of Budget Honesty. The election Alan, is in 16 days time. And all he is doing is just letting day after day click over, hoping that there won't be the scrutiny that is required before people can figure it out on the 9th of October.
But I want to say this to your listeners, particularly to your listeners who have children where Mum is looking after the family at home, you must know this: if Mark Latham's policy is implemented you will have money taken out of your budget. It is a deliberate policy to try and force those mothers that are looking after children at home into the workforce.
He says that is his policy, he wants to get them, stop them staying at home and looking after the children, they have got to get out into the workforce, he needs to get them into the workforce because he wants to get additional taxes, he needs those taxes in order to fund his policies. So I would say to those families, and a lot of these Alan will be Labor voting families, they will be people who have always voted Labor throughout all of their lives, you must understand that this Labor Party is a Party that has a policy that will punish low income families with children where Mum is at home looking after them.
You have had a lot of letters because I know that I have sent some to you, from small business who are saying, look this GST is too damn complicated whether we have got to file GST reports regularly, you then said, alright, let's change all this, the annual turnovers can be, the whole reporting of GST can be done on an annual basis. Why would Labor want to dismantle that, I would have thought that would have been an easier thing for small business to accommodate?
Well that is an easier thing and because it is an easier thing it will save small business around $330 million. Why does Labor want to dismantle it? Because it wants to grab the $330 million back from small business in the current year and it wants to use it to spend on some of its other policies. It is just a proposal to make small business pay more so that the money that they have been, that they are raising and paying to the Government can be used by Mr Latham for some of his other policies and small business ought to know this.
Well they say they are putting $25 million a year into the Tax Office's compliance programme and by greater compliance they will be able to save $225 million, that is a multiple you are saying, of $1 spent on compliance will get $9 back. Now when you are drafting Budgets, what multiples do you use? Do you use 9:1 or 5:1 or 4:1? Is that a legitimate multiple?
3.5:1 and sometimes 1:1 but 3.5:1. Look, if Mr Crean is right…
So does that mean his $50 million won't get him back the $225 million?
Of course it won't. If Mr Crean is right and if you give the Tax Office a dollar it will make you $9, why doesn't he give the Tax Office $100 million? He would make $900 million. This would be a good business, wouldn't it? Give them $1 billion, he would make $9 billion, why don't you give them $10 billion, you will make $90 billion. This has got to be an incredible money tree, this is unbelievable, why haven't we thought of this one before, Alan? I mean, I must be so silly, mustn't I?
Well on that note I will let you go.
Thank you very much Alan.
We will talk again between now and the election, I appreciate your time.
Thank you.