10 May 2000

Interview with Jeremy Cordeaux, Radio 5DN




Joining us now from Canberra is the Federal Treasurer, Peter Costello. Good morning Sir.


Good morning Jeremy, how are you?


I’m surprised you’ve got any voice left.


Well, it’s one of those occupational hazards that occur around Budget time and my colleague John Fahey is unfortunately under treatment for legionella at the moment. It has just been announced this morning and I think that all your listeners and I too would like to see him make a full recovery.


Absolutely. How seriously is he affected?


I believe that he will be recuperating over the next couple of days and he is hopeful for full recovery. And I know how stressful it is over this time of the year, particularly for a Finance Minister, and he’s been working extremely hard on the Budget as we all have, and we just all wish him a speedy recovery.


Yeah. It’s a wretched thing, there is no doubt about that. Simon Crean, I was speaking with him earlier today. And you talk about these tax cuts, which I think are probably largely very much anticipated and looked forward to, $12 billion or whatever it is, in about fifty-one days time. He says the so-called biggest tax cuts in history disappear in just one year, but the GST remains forever. He says that after two years the Australian taxpayer is going to be paying 600 million or $600 per year more personally in income tax than they are now. Is that true or not?


No. It’s one of those sort of tricky little points that the Labor Party tries to put together. Everybody gets a tax cut and they get a tax cut forever. Let me make that point first of all. If you happened to be somebody earning up to $50,000 at the moment you can pay top marginal rate of 43 per cent and that’s being cut to 30 per cent, you pay 30 cents in the dollar rather than 43 cents in the dollar. Now, what he says is, oh but you know look how income is going to be raised from income tax in the future. And you know what raises that income, more people in jobs. Not that the people who are in jobs actually pay more in income tax, it’s that more revenue comes to the Government because more people go into work and…


So the same people are not going to be contributing more, there will be just more people to contribute?


That’s precisely right. And I don’t know if he does it deliberately or not, it may just be, it is possible that, you know, one of his advisers has given him this as a debating point, but it is one of those awful errors you wish you didn’t make, and he made it last night. OK, it wasn’t right and I hope that now he realises the error that he has made he doesn’t say it again because those new income tax rates, and the 43 per cent rate for people on average earnings which comes down to thirty and all the other rates, are fixed in legislation. They’re always there and they can’t be taken away unless Parliament in the future legislates to take them away, and I can tell you that the Labor Party might want to put up the income tax rates, but as far as the Government is concerned we’re cutting them because we think income tax is too high in this country.


I think most people will agree with you. $2.8 billion underlying cash surplus for 2000-2001, largely from the sale of what I imagine can be described as thin air, which I think is very clever.


Well, let me go over it. The Government licenses people to use the spectrum. Your radio station we’re talking at the moment on goes to the airways, and you pay a license fee to use those airways.

When we turn on the television we receive the television signal because the television broadcasters have airwaves on which they’re licensed to actually broadcast, and they pay a fee to that and they should, Jeremy, because these are profit making concerns and we should maximise the return to the taxpayer. Now, all that has happened is that in relation to mobile phones and the like we’ve said, sure new players can come in and offer new services, you’ve seen all these ads on television about new people who are offering mobile phone licenses and we say, well they can use the air waves too but they have to pay a license fee.


Well competition is good for everybody.


It’s good competition if they give better prices that’s good for consumers, they pay their license fees like television stations and broadcasting stations then we maximise them for the benefit of the taxpayer. And can I say this, that I think the taxpayer would be justly angry with me if I didn’t try and get the best value for the country and these revenues are included in Budgets as they always have been, as they always have been. Notwithstanding all of that the Budget is in surplus and the great thing is we pay back another $9 billion of Labor debt this year. Let me give you one figure because I think it sort of illustrates the point very well. In the last five years of Labor Budgets when they were running deficit five years in a row, they had to borrow $80 billion, $80,000 million to cover their Budget deficits. We’ve run surpluses, that is we haven’t borrowed, we don’t have to borrow to fund our Budget. But not only have we funded our Budgets, but we have now paid back $50 billion of that $80 billion Labor debt. They run debt up, $80 billion, we’ve paid it down, 50 billion. We are 5/8th of the way there.


Yeah. And if you could get the sale of Telstra through I guess you would put a lot of that to the complete retirement of debt and would be the envy of the world totally without owing anybody anything?


If we sell off Telstra, and it is our policy when we sell assets to use all of the proceeds to retire debt, the Commonwealth Government wouldn’t owe a dollar. And…


Put that in perspective for me. How would that stand with say America or Europe or …..?


Miles in front of America, miles in front of Europe, miles in front of Japan. The only let me say this…(inaudible)…. about how much you get is as a proportion of your economy. At the end of this year the debt, the Commonwealth debt as a proportion of our economy in Australia will be 7 per cent. And with Telstra it would be zero per cent. In Europe the average debt, this is France, Germany, Britain as a proportion of their economy, remember ours will be 7, is 50 per cent. The United States is about 50 per cent. Now, if we could get to zero, no debt, we would be the envy of Europe and America and the sale of Telstra gives us the capacity to do it.


Which should be bullet proof. When you say 2.6 billion expected to be raised from the selling of the spectrum licenses, aren’t you kind of putting a, telegraphing to perspective bidders that that’s what you want? Would it not have been better if you, well to how you could have factored it into the Budget and kept it a little bit more mysterious?


Well, normally we don’t. And to be frank with you I prefer not to for those reasons. But there was so much talk about it and people were putting such sort of wild figures on it.


Yeah. I heard 10 billion on it.


Yeah I know. And I saw that in the press and if we don’t actually disclose it they’ll say, oh you know, he’s got 10 billion….we had to disclose it. But I want to make this point clear, and I make it clear to bidders in case there are any listening to your program today. We want to maximise the proceeds of that, the value of what we’ve got on it. But if it’s worth more than that we will be maximising the proceeds. You’re quite right some bidders might say, oh well if that’s what he thinks it’s worth why would I pay more, and I don’t want to discourage them from independently valuing or paying more I can assure you of that.


But first the problem is that the market at the moment is having a bit of trouble valuing some of these telcos, it’s very, very difficult on a day to day basis to get a handle on it.


Well, we have some experience. We’ve done this before, as I said, we’ve been licensing the use of spectrum since broadcasting started in Australia and since 1956 when television started in Australia. And what’s changed is that when we allowed competition into telecommunications, see when Telstra controlled telecommunications right it was the only company, there were no people who wanted to be licensed to compete. So competition in telecommunications has been pretty recent, we’ve been doing it since 1996. But we do have some experience, we licensed a new player last year and the proceeds were $1.3 billion. So, we basically look at the market prices on the basis of what we received last year.


Treasurer, you can understand we are fairly concerned about the submarine of Australia. And the story you’re going to put a certain amount of money towards completing or fixing up, god knows why you have to do that, I don’t know. I would have thought you got a bit of after sale service, but never mind. You are going to fix up two at more public expense, and is the story that the other four go into mothballs, can that be right?


No. No, what we’ve said is that we’ve set aside money in this Budget to bring two up to state of the art.


Which is what we were promised in the first place for the original $5 billion?


I couldn’t agree with you more Jeremy. This contract has been from a budgetary point of view a real problem. It has been a mismanaged contract and you know, somebody says how did it get to such a situation? Well, you might ask Kim Beazley when you next see him because it was Mr Beazley that let out the contract. And it was Mr Beazley that was responsible for all of this. It was another one of his financial projects. But anyway, we inherit the situation as we find it Jeremy, and we’ve got to make sure if we have these submarines that they are at full combat capability. We’ve set aside new money, in addition to all of the money we paid for the contract, we set aside new money to get two of them up to combat readiness.


And will that work be done here in SA by the Corporation or not?


Well, the Corporation has got the head contract, I think that there are some weapons system that may involve some overseas contractors. But then after we’ve got those two submarines to full combat capabilities then we’ll look at whether we need to upgrade the remainder as well.


But they are looking at standing down about a hundred workers, (inaudible) the head of the Corporation says that the work is 97 per cent done. But 97 per cent done, I’d expect that you could go out there and see a submarine.


Well, you can see a submarine, they’re there.


Are you sure about that?


Well they’re there and they can sail. The question is you’ve got to make them quiet enough not to be easily identified and you’ve got to make sure they’ve got combat capability to actually be able to hit targets. And it’s the noise and the combat capability that are the problems at the moment.


Is this the last bail out? Do we have to put more money their way?


Look, we’d like to see from the sake of the employment point of view, we’d like to see the Corporation continue and to continue with ongoing work.

But, look from a general taxpayers point of view we contracted to have submarines that were not noisy, were not easily identified by enemy, which could fire with full combat capability. It is costing us a lot more money to get that then we contracted for and I guess there is a bit of frustration on my behalf that the Beazley contract went so wrong.


I know you’ve got to go. But just one quick last question. Did last night win the bush for you or not?


Last night, what we did is we said we’re going to fix the real problem with some real solutions. And a lot of people say it is just promise money. No. What we want to do is put real practical concrete solutions in a defined area. So we said what we are going to do for regional Australia is we are going to give them more doctors and health services. We’re not going to sort of look right across the field with some hare brain schemes here and there. We are going to say, in this area we will fix the problem. We bring together targetted measures to train more doctors, to bond them, six year bonds to go out to rural Australia, more country kids in medical schools, more health services, money to specialists to go out to the region. This is the biggest attack on this problem that has ever been done, it is clearly defined and it is designed to bring about real results and real achievement.


Treasurer, good to talk to you.


Thanks very much Jeremy.