26 April 2007

Australian Government Recognises Engineers Australia (NSW) Professional Standards Scheme


“I am pleased to announce that the Engineers Australia (NSW) Professional Standards Scheme has been recognised under Commonwealth legislation,” the Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer, Peter Dutton said today.

The Engineers Australia (NSW) Professional Standards Scheme requires members to commit to continuing professional development, risk management and customer complaints handling processes.

In return, members of that association are able to have their civil liability capped under relevant State and Commonwealth legislation.

“Applying for recognition under professional standards legislation is one way a professional association can assist its members to attain affordable professional indemnity insurance” Mr Dutton said.

“Keeping professional indemnity premiums affordable is essential to ensuring businesses and the community can access the professional services they need” Mr Dutton said.

“Professional Standards Schemes can enhance consumer protection, because in the event of a claim, there is a far greater prospect that there will be insurance to cover that claim.”

“I congratulate Engineers Australia on its work to continuously improve the professional standards of its members for the benefit of their clients” Mr Dutton said.