9 July 2006

Kim Beazleys super silence continues 61 days and counting

Australians still don’t know Kim Beazley’s position on the Government’s superannuation reform package.

It has been 61 days since the Federal Budget and Australian workers and their families still haven’t been told whether or not Kim Beazley will stand in the way of the most significant improvements to Australia’s superannuation system in our nation’s history.

Mr Beazley is still refusing to declare his party’s position on the Government’s plan to simplify and streamline superannuation.

Mr Beazley needs to come clean and tell Australians directly whether or not he supports:

  • Abolishing the end benefits tax for people aged 60 and over where their superannuation benefits are paid from a taxed fund;
  • Abolishing Reasonable Benefit Limits;
  • Allowing the self employed to claim a full deduction for their superannuation contributions;
  • Extending the superannuation co-contribution scheme to the self employed;
  • Extending the ability to make deductible superannuation contributions up to age 75;
  • Halving the age pension assets test taper rate to $1.50 per fortnight from 20 September 2007;
  • Improving the ability of people to consolidate lost accounts.

It’s time for Kim Beazley to make up his mind. 61 days later, Australians still don’t know what Kim Beazley stands for on superannuation.