Labor is once again out to get its hands on your money to spend on their irresponsible political projects.
In a presentation to the ALP National Conference, Labor has indicated it plans to raid the superannuation funds of ordinary Australians to ‘finance’ their union-driven spending promises.
The Howard Government maintains that money in superannuation funds is your money and that you should decide how it is invested for your future. It is not a slush fund for Labor and their union masters to pay for their political schemes.
This continues the pattern of Labor thieving Australia’s future savings:
- In March, the Leader of the Opposition announced Labor would rip $4 billion out of the future fund in a public-private partnership. Labor went further to indicate they would raid it again and again to pay for their spending promises. (Stephen Smith, doorstop 22/3/07)
- In July 2000, Mark Latham came up with a proposal that education could also be funded by siphoning off superannuation funds. (Source: Speech by Mark Latham, “Unchain my Mind Forum”, Melbourne, 27/07/2000)
- Labor’s then leader Simon Crean added in November 2002 that people’s savings should be diverted into building and managing housing. (Source: Simon Crean, Speech to the National General Assembly of Local Government, 4/11/2002)
- Labor’s Shadow Small Business spokesman Craig Emerson said in 2002 that “Labor could consider seed funding for the establishment of regional investment vehicles into which the superannuation funds were channelled.” (Source: Craig Emerson: Speech “Thriving Industries in an Innovative Australia” 30/09/2002)
On top of this, union boss and Labor Senator in waiting, Doug Cameron along with a range of other union bosses want to re-introduce the 15% tax on superannuation end benefits.
While the Howard Government has helped people save for their future, and paid off Labor’s $96 billion debt, the unions and Labor plan to recklessly spend your savings on their own political schemes.
Australians can not risk our future prosperity on a union controlled Labor.