25 February 1998

Gifts to the St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta Rebuilding Fund

The Government has decided to amend the income tax law to allow deductions for gifts of the value of $2 or more, made on or after the date of this press release, to the St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta Rebuilding Fund.

This Fund is to assist the Catholic community of Parramatta to rebuild St Patrick's Cathedral which was destroyed by a fire on 19 February 1996. In announcing this decision the Government recognises the historical significance of the Cathedral and its symbolic link with Australia's past.

Deductions for gifts to the Fund will apply for a period of two years from today.

Legislation to give effect to the Government's decision will be introduced as soon as practicable.


25 February 1998

Contact Officer:
Mark O'Connor (ATO) (02) 6216 1328
Penny Farnsworth (Assistant Treasurers Office) (02) 6277 7360