26 March 1997

More Private Sector Representation for the Tax Law Rewrite

The Assistant Treasurer, Senator Rod Kemp, announced today that the Government is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified persons to act as private sector representatives on the Tax Law Improvement Project (TLIP).

TLIP has for some time now only had the benefit of one private sector representative, a situation which will be rectified as quickly as appropriate persons are found.

Increased private sector involvement in the Project will enhance the benefits of the Project. Private sector representation delivers many benefits, including practical commercial experience.

The Joint Committee of Public Accounts' recent report on the Tax Law Improvement Bill 1996 has also highlighted the need for greater external representation.

One person is sought to spend at least two to three days on the project each week. He or she will need to work for much of the committed time with the project team either in Canberra or Brisbane.

In addition, expressions of interest from tax law specialists are being sought for appointment on the Project for the duration of rewrites of particular areas of The tax law, such as capital gains tax (which is currency being rewritten) and international tax and superannuation (which dhe Project will start on shordy) .

Any person wishing to be considered for appointment for either role should express their interest in writing by Friday 18 April 1997 including details of background and experience and the terms and conditions (including remuneration and available time) on which the person would be available.

Expressions of interest should be directed to:
Mr Brian Nolan
Tax Law Improvement Project
2 Constitution Avenue

Phone: 06 216 1122
Fax: 06 216 2743

26 March 1997

For further information:
Brian Nolan (ATO): 06 2161122
Richard King (Assistant Treasurer's office): 06 2777360