Opinion piece: Unfair practices hurt consumers, businesses, profits
In the economy, just as in sport, there are winners and losers. Sometimes you just play better on the day.
Opinion piece: How uncompetitive markets reduce wages
Folk music is replete with songs about struggling employees in company towns. In Sixteen Tons, Johnny Cash sings ‘You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Opinion piece: Making it fairer for all
My first music purchases were records. Mostly, I bought 45 RPM singles. But when I could afford them, I splurged on 33 RPM albums.
Opinion piece: Running better evaluations
As a keen runner, I’m pretty keen on going where the evidence points. In experiments, high intensity training produces remarkable gains, so I try to build it into every workout.
Opinion piece: Let’s stop governments from making the same mistake twice
In 1890, rust fungus wiped out much of Australia’s wheat crop, and the colonies had to import wheat.
Opinion piece: Market power and markups
It’s hard to ignore the growing body of evidence that excessive market concentration can lead to economic problems.
Opinion piece: Look overseas to see the virtues of more competition
Earlier this month, the competition watchdog released its inquiry into digital services.
Opinion piece: Economy needs its zip back
A generation ago, rules in some states governed when bakers could bake their bread.
Opinion piece: A race to the top on innovation, not a race to the bottom on tax compliance
Pharmaceutical company AbbVie make the world’s best-selling arthritis medication. They also specialise in causing pain for tax administrators.
Opinion piece: Giants must pay their taxes
Last year, academics from the University at Albany and the University of Missouri published a research paper arguing that company taxes should be abolished.
Opinion piece: Electric cars make the weekend more fun. Canberrans have known this for decades
Among Australian economists, few public servants are as revered as Roland Wilson, who ran the Treasury, the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Labour, serving both sides of polit
Opinion piece: International Day of Charity: how a dollar can buy a valuable ‘helper’s high’
Imagine finding a dollar on the ground as you’re walking down the street.
It might feel like a bit of luck, a little sign that today is a good day.
Opinion piece: A productivity turnaround requires a more dynamic, competitive economy
Productivity growth is the key driver of living standards over the long run. Yet over recent decades, productivity growth has slowed from a canter to a saunter.
Opinion piece: Keeping tabs on prices has never been more important
Twelve dollars for an iceberg lettuce. Eleven dollars for a punnet of strawberries. Cooking oil prices boiling over. KFC putting cabbage in its burgers. After decades of stable food prices, suddenly inflation is on the front page of the paper.
Opinion piece: Case of cause and effect
In recent weeks, we’ve learned two troubling facts about young Australians: the prevalence of mental disorders has hit a new high, and the rate of volunteering has plumbed a new low.
Opinion piece: Policy banning unfair contracts will shield SMEs from exploitation
The cleaning companies were multi‑billion‑dollar firms, but most of their customers were small businesses. So the big firms wrote contracts that allowed them to increase their prices.
Opinion piece: Labor wants to work with business in a race to the top
With an area of around 700 square kilometres, Singapore is about 1/10,000th the size of Australia. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t have much of a mining industry.
Opinion piece: Taking action to stop tax treaty shopping
At first blush, treaty shopping might sound like a fun excursion to the gift store with your primary schooler.
Opinion piece: Census findings to reveal the big questions confronting modern Australia
In the early years after European settlement, it wasn’t called a ‘Census’, it was called a ‘muster’.
Opinion piece: It's time to make census of all your answers
The world’s first census took place in 3800 BCE. The Babylonians counted the number of people, animals, and stocks of valuable foodstuffs, such as butter, honey and wool.