The government has called an election and is now in caretaker

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21 October 2023

Statement on the passing of Bill Hayden

Bill Hayden was the selfless servant of the Australian people, and our Party.

He was humble and grounded, responsible and respected, a wonderful Queenslander and Australian.

He was our 27th Treasurer, but his impact went well beyond the five months he served in that role in 1975.

His achievements as Treasurer, in Foreign Affairs and Social Security, and as Governor‑General, are remarkable, country‑changing, and enduring.

He was the key transitional figure between Whitlam and Hawke but he was transformational too.

Without him and his efforts in the late 1970s and early 1980s there’d be no long‑term Labor Government, and the reform opportunities of the subsequent decades could have gone begging.

His defining place in Labor’s proud legacy of combining responsible economic management and economic reform is assured.

His selflessness and service will be remembered long after his passing.

He’ll be much missed across Australia but especially by Dallas and the family, to whom we send our love and support.