The government has called an election and is now in caretaker

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Media releases


Productivity Commission to review resources sector regulation

Streamlining regulation in the resources sector will be the focus of a 12-month review by the Productivity Commission.

Standing Economics Committee to expand inquiry into financial services sector and Royal Commission implementation

The Morrison Government has asked the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics to inquire into progress made by relevant financial institutions in implementing the recommendations o

Public consultation on the ACCC Digital Platforms Report now open

The Coalition Government is committed to ensuring that our regulatory framework is fit-for-purpose in the digital age, today announcing that public consultation on all 23 recommendations of the Aus

Taking action on the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Royal Commission - Recommendation 2.4: Grandfathered Commissions

The Coalition Government will introduce legislation on Thursday to ban the grandfathering of conflicted remuneration paid to financial advisers.

Taking action on the Banking, Superannuation & Financial Services Industry Royal Commission

Recommendation 4.7: Extending unfair contracts terms to insurance contracts The Coalition Government has today released exposure draft legislation that extends the unfair contract term (U

Release of the ACCC Digital Platforms Report

The Coalition Government has today released the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Digital Platforms Inquiry final report.

More power for consumers

Legislation to be introduced by the Morrison Government this week will give consumers more power and allow them to compare and switch between products and services more easily.

Government Response to the APRA Capability Review

The Morrison Government has today released the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Capability Review, alongside the Government and APRA’s responses.

Productivity commission report into compensation and rehabilitation of veterans released

The Coalition Government today tabled in Parliament the final Productivity Commission report into Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans - A Better Way to Support Veterans.

Appointment to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

The Coalition Government is pleased to announce Mr Stephen Ridgeway has been appointed as a Commissioner of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) for a five-year period from

Delivering on Budget Measures

Key Government measures coming into effect on 1 July 2019 will help Australian families with the cost of living by forging ahead with low and middle income tax relief, safeguarding superannuation savi

Vale Michael Andrew AO

I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Michael Andrew AO yesterday.

Visit to Japan for G20 and to Germany, United Kingdom and United States

Today I will travel to Fukuoka, Japan, to attend the second G20 Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors' Meeting under Japan's 2019 G20 Presidency.

National Accounts, March Quarter 2019

Today's National Accounts show that the Australian economy grew by 0.4 per cent in the March quarter to be 1.8 per cent higher through the year. This is within the range of market expectations.

Melbourne's Jewish Holocaust Centre to expand & reach more Victorians

The Morrison Government is providing $10 million to Melbourne’s Jewish Holocaust Centre (JHC), helping expand the size of the museum as it increases its educational activities to reach even more Vi

Giant leap for Giant Steps Melbourne school for children with autism

The Morrison Government is investing $9.7 million to expand the Giant Steps Melbourne school and reduce the waiting list for its specialist education for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in V

Appointment to the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development

The Government is pleased to announce that Mr Philip Lindsay has been nominated for appointment as Australia’s Alternate Director to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

$9.2 million for childhood epilepsy medicines on the PBS

The Morrison Government is investing $9.2 million to make a life changing medicine for childhood epilepsy available through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), which will help them to control

Appointment of full-time Inspector-General of Taxation

The Government is pleased to announce that Ms Karen Payne has been appointed as the full-time Inspector-General of Taxation.

SEATO Bill receives Royal Assent

Members of the Australian civilian surgical and medical teams who provided medical aid, training and treatment to local Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War will gain access to their Department