The government has called an election and is now in caretaker

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Media releases


Appointments to the future fund board of guardians

The Morrison Government is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs Patricia Cross and the reappointment of Mr Michael Wachtel to the Future Fund Board of Guardians.

New initiatives to support Australians with disability

The Morrison Government is guaranteeing the essential services Australians rely on in Budget 2021-22.

Attracting Global Talent and Business to Capitalise on Australia's Economic Position

The 2021‑22 Budget will position Australia to capitalise on its economic success and provide a platform to attract global capital and talent.

Rebuilding the economy and securing Australia's recovery

The Morrison Government’s plan to secure Australia’s recovery will rebuild our economy and create more jobs to ensure we comeback stronger from the COVID‑19 induced recession.

Securing Australia's recovery

Our plan to secure Australia’s recovery will create more jobs, rebuild our economy and set the country up for the future.

Making it easier for small business to pause debt recovery action

As part of the 2021-22 Budget, the Morrison Government will allow small businesses to apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to pause or modify ATO debt recovery actions where the debt

Improving opportunities for home ownership

The Morrison Government is today announcing additional measures to help more Australians own their home sooner as part of the 2021-22 Budget.

A modern digital economy to secure Australia's future

The Morrison Government is investing almost $1.2 billion in Australia’s digital future through the Digital Economy Strategy, as part of this year’s Federal Budget.

More affordable access to insurance for Northern Australians

Northern Australian residents would be offered more affordable and accessible home and business insurance, thanks to the establishment of a reinsurance pool by the Morrison Government.

Further insolvency reforms to support business dynamism

As part of our economic recovery plan, the Morrison Government is pursuing further measures to improve Australia’s insolvency framework for both small and large businesses.

Making child care more affordable and boosting workforce participation

To cut the cost of living for around a quarter of a million families and to help boost workforce participation, the Morrison Government will make an additional $1.7 bil

Tax relief for small brewers and distillers to support jobs

Small brewers and distillers will benefit from $225 million in tax relief to support more jobs and investment as part of the 2021–22 Budget.

Greater transparency of proxy advice

The Morrison Government is moving to increase the transparency and accountability of proxy advice.

Strengthening the Takeovers Panel

The Morrison Government has appointed and reappointed 17 part-time members to the Takeovers Panel, each for a three-year period commencing from 30 April 2021.

Appointment of new Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission

The Morrison Government has today appointed Mr Joseph Longo as the full‑time Chairperson and Ms Sarah Court as a full‑time Deputy Chairperson to the Australian Securities and Investments

Joint call of Finance Ministers

Today Australia hosted a call with the Finance Ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

Your Future, Your Super reforms

The Morrison Government has today released for consultation exposure draft regulations underpinning Treasury Laws Amendment (Your Future, Your Super) Bill 2021.

Modernising Business Communications

As part of our economic plan and deregulation agenda, the Morrison Government has committed to modernising laws within the Treasury portfolio so they are technology neutral.

HomeBuilder extended to support more jobs

The Morrison Government is extending the construction commencement requirement for the successful HomeBuilder program from six months to 18 months for all existing applicants, bringing th

The Hon Andrew Peacock AC

Australia has lost one of its political greats in Andrew Peacock.