The government has called an election and is now in caretaker

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Media releases


Driving power prices down

The Turnbull Government has today announced a package of measures to put downward pressure on electricity prices and stop energy companies from gouging their customers.

Strengthening APRA governance

The Turnbull Government has strengthened the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) by legislating that a second Deputy Chair to be created.

More power in the hands of consumers

The Turnbull Government is helping customers get a better deal – today releasing exposure draft legislation to introduce a Consumer Data Right.

Nomination of Australian Executive Director to the IMF

The Australian Government will nominate Mr Nigel Ray PSM for appointment as the Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund for a two-year term commencing later in 2018.

Board appointments - National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation

The Government is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr David Cant, Ms Teresa Dyson, Mr Adrian Harrington and Ms Kylie Rampa as part-time Members of the National Housing Finance and Investment

Making sure foreign investors pay their fair share of tax

The Turnbull Government is continuing to protect the integrity of Australia's corporate tax system by tightening the rules on stapled structures.

Turnbull Government expands ASIC's armoury

The Turnbull Government is injecting a further $70.1 million into the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to ensure the corporate regulator has the resources and powers it needs

Release of the ACCC Gas Inquiry 2017-2020 Interim Report

The Coalition Government's strong action to shore up domestic gas supplies has contributed to a positive outlook for the gas market in the latest Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Gas

Appointment and reappointment to the Payments System Board

Today I announce the appointment of Mr Greg Storey as a part-time member of the Payments System Board (the PSB) for a five-year term and the reappointment of Ms Gina Cass-Gottlieb as a part time me

Ensuring all multinationals pay their fair share of tax

Today the Turnbull Government released draft legislation for public consultation that cracks down on foreign entities leveraging their debt to reduce the amount of tax they pay in Australia.

Removing tax loopholes

The Turnbull Government continues to deliver on its commitment to protect the integrity of Australia’s corporate tax system, by tightening the rules on stapled structures that have been used by for

Ensuring all multinationals pay their fair share of tax

The Turnbull Government is ensuring multinational tax laws apply to all relevant entities, by extending the definition of a Significant Global Entity (SGE).

Exposure draft legislation: GST on offshore hotel bookings

The Turnbull Government is ensuring offshore companies that sell hotel bookings in Australia have the same GST obligations as Australian companies.

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Today I will be travelling to Buenos Aires, Argentina, to attend the third G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting under Argentina's 2018 G20 Presidency.

Appointment – full-time Chair – Productivity Commission

I am pleased to announce that the Governor-General has appointed Mr Michael Brennan as the full-time Chair (and Commissioner) of the Productivity Commission (PC) for a five-year period commencing f

Resignation of Mr John Fraser as Secretary of Treasury

As Treasurer I would like to thank and pay tribute to Mr John Fraser for his leadership as Secretary of the Department of Treasury for the last three and a half years.

Final report of the ACCC Retail Electricity Pricing Review

The Turnbull Government is pleased to release the Final Report of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Retail Electricity Pricing Review.

Reappointment of part-time Chairperson to the Commonwealth Grants Commission

The Government has reappointed Mr Greg Smith as the part-time Chairperson to the Commonwealth Grants Commission for a further two-year period.

All better off from fairer way to share the GST

The Turnbull Government will fix problems in the system used to share the revenue from the GST leaving all states and territories better off.

Delivering on Budget measures

Key Turnbull Government measures coming into effect on 1 July will help Australian families with the cost of living, grow our economy by freeing up businesses to invest and employ more Australians,