The government has called an election and is now in caretaker
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Media releases
Taking action now on bank executive accountability
The Turnbull Government is delivering on its promise to hold banks and their senior executives to account, with tougher consequences if expectations are not met.
Ensuring Australians can purchase agricultural land while foreign investment is geared toward jobs and growth
The Turnbull Government has acted to ensure Australians will get every opportunity to purchase agricultural land holdings by introducing tough new rules that mandate vendors to advertise and market
New conditions on the sale of Australian electricity assets to foreign investors
The Australian Government today announces that all future applications for the sale of electricity transmission and distribution assets, and some generation assets, will attract ownership restricti
Treasurer to meet with US leaders on tax reform, energy and innovation
This week I will be travelling to the United States to meet with a range of US business and state government leaders to exchange views on tax reform, energy and innovation.
S&P affirms Australia’s AAA credit rating under Coalition again
The Turnbull Government welcomes the announcement today that Standard & Poor’s (S&P) has once again affirmed Australia’s AAA credit rating, following the release of the Government’s Mid Yea
US tax cuts fuel global growth, Labor still in denial
The Turnbull Government welcomes the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) upward revision of their forecast for greater global economic growth off the back of the United States’ legislated reduction
Extension of Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Economic Impact of Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation
Today I have agreed to a request from the Chair of the Productivity Commission to extend the timeframe for the PC’s inquiry into the impact on our national economy of Australia’s system of horizont
Getting a better deal in 2018
In 2017 the Turnbull Government acted to reduce cost of living pressures for Australians by helping them drive a better deal on their energy bills and petrol
Shorten puts Aussie jobs and wages at risk as United States slashes company tax
Bill Shorten’s continued reckless opposition to a competitive Australian company tax rate would take one per cent from Australia’s GDP in the wake of United States actions overnight to slash its co
Consumer Watchdog to put petrol companies on notice
The Turnbull Government is directing consumer watchdog the ACCC to bust open the books of petrol companies and companies involved in all aspects the petrol supply chain to ensure Australian familie
2017-18 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook
Today's Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) confirms that the Budget remains on track to return to balance in 2020-21.
Royal Commission into misconduct in the banking, superannuation and financial services industry established
The Governor-General has issued the Letters Patent to the Honourable Kenneth Madison Hayne AC QC, formerly a judge of the High Court, establishing the Royal Commission into alleged misconduct in Au
Appointment - Councillor - National Competition Council
The Treasurer, the Hon Scott Morrison, today announced the appointment of Mr Chris Jose as a part‑time Councillor to the National Competition Council (the Council) for a three-year period from 18 D
Turnbull Government delivers more gas, more jobs
Australia is no longer facing a shortfall of gas supply in 2018 on expected demand, with Turnbull Government action to keep more gas for the domestic market beginning to reap dividends.
Foreign Investment Review Board appointment
Treasurer, the Hon Scott Morrison, today announced the appointment of Ms Teresa Dyson as a part-time member to the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) for a five-year period.
Turnbull Government delivers leg-up for first home buyers and downsizers
The Parliament has today passed key elements of the Turnbull Government’s housing affordability plan, giving first home buyers a tax cut by allowing them to save for a deposit inside superannuation
New ASX technology improves the competitiveness of Australia’s financial markets
The Turnbull Government welcomes the ASX's announcement on its decision to move to a distributed ledger technology (DLT) based platform.
National accounts - September quarter 2017
Today's national accounts is another encouraging set of numbers, reinforcing an economic strategy that is based on driving growth through increased investment to secure the better days ahead.
ACCC to review digital platform services
The Turnbull Government is taking action to strengthen competition within Australia’s media industry, and support local jobs.
Australia to join in IMF Financial Sector Assessment in 2018
I am pleased to announce that Australia will participate in the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) in 2018.